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I had business I was kept longer than I expected " Here he turned quickly to Robin "Unharness, boy! unharness! and come in to supper!" "Where's Landon?" asked Robin. "Landon? Oh, I've left him in the town." He pulled off his driving-gloves, and unbuttoned his overcoat then strode into the house.

After he had entered like a whirlwind the porch of the "Lion d'Or," the doctor, shouting very loud, ordered them to unharness his horse. Then he went into the stable to see that he was eating his oats all right; for on arriving at a patient's he first of all looked after his mare and his gig. People even said about this: "Ah! Monsieur Camvet's a character!"

And, then, they drive at a walk. There are many hills to ascend." "Come then, I will go on horseback. Unharness the cabriolet. Some one can surely sell me a saddle in the neighborhood." "Without doubt. But will this horse bear the saddle?" "That is true; you remind me of that; he will not bear it." "Then " "But I can surely hire a horse in the village?"

The Boy seemed not to relinquish the hope of stirring the tired Colonel to enthusiasm. "Don't you like the way, after the worst sort of day, when you stop, he just drops down in the snow and rolls about a little to rest his muscles, and then lies there as patient as anything till you are ready to unharness him and feed him?"

"Once across the desert, mother," he said, as the sorry-looking team was drawn up by the side of the pool, and he began to unharness the horses while his father went in search of game for supper, "and then we shall be well on our way to the old home we had no business to leave." "It is this portion of the journey that worries me most, Dick.

I brought my men up to within eight hundred paces of the station, and ordered them to unharness the horses which were attached to the Krupp, and to place it in position. But listen! There is the crack of rifles in the distance! That must be the sound of the enemy's fire on General Froneman. Again, and yet again, the sound meets my ears. Then all is quiet once more.

Then Lemminkainen rode on to another house and asked the same question; and a man standing in the doorway replied: 'There are plenty here that are mighty enough not only to unharness thy steed, but to conquer thee and drive thee to thy home ere the sun has set. Then Lemminkainen told him that he would return and slay him, and so drove off to the highest house in the village.

He knows well enough I'll be late to school! It's already half past seven. I've got three more deliveries to make, and must take him home and unharness him!" "What time did you start out, child?" "Why, four o'clock as usual, Madame. But I'm sure to be late this morning."

When we returned, Pomona saw us drive in, she had not known of our ride, and when she heard the news she was as wild with proud delight as anybody. She wanted to unharness him, but this I could not allow. We did not wish to be selfish, but after she had seen and heard what we thought was enough for her, we were obliged to send her back to the kitchen for the sake of the dinner.

The bank of grass where he had sat was broken by a gap, through which chariots had entered, and farm carts entered now. The track, following the ancient track, led straight through turnips to a similar gap in the second circle, and thence continued, through more turnips, to the central tree. "Pang!" said the bell, as they paused at the entrance. "You needn't unharness," shouted Mrs.