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He is absolutely unfinished, not complete or perfect. For Bergson, God is a Being immanent in the universe, but He is ignorant of the direction in which Evolution is progressing. This is not the God of the ordinary religious consciousness, nor is it a conception of God which satisfies the limited notion which our own imagination both creates and craves to find real.

She talked on and on; sometimes her sentences were confused and unfinished, sometimes they seemed to Maggie to have no meaning; once or twice the voice dropped so low that Maggie did not catch the words, but always there was especial urgency behind the carelessness as though every word were being spoken for a listener's benefit a listener who sat perhaps with pencil and notebook somewhere in the dark behind them.

There follows Michelangelo (1475-1564). It is with a sort of surprise one comes face to face with that sorrowful, heroic figure, as though, following among the flowers, we had come upon some tragic precipice, some immense cavern too deep for sight. How, after the delight, the delicate charm of the fifteenth century, can I speak of this beautiful, strong, and tragic soul? It might almost seem that the greatest Italian of the sixteenth century has left us in sculpture little more than an immortal gesture of despair, of despair of a world which he has not been content to love. His work is beautiful with the beauty of the mountains, of the mountains in which he alone has found the spirit of man. His figures, half unveiled from the living rock, are like some terrible indictment of the world he lived in, and in a sort of rage at its uselessness he leaves them unfinished, and it but half expressed; an indictment of himself too, of his own heart, of his contempt for things as they are. Yet in his youth he had been content with beauty in the lovely Piet

It had remained in this unfinished state for some time, and now, being covered with snow, formed a long white-floored avenue to the hill-top. "I'm sorry you can't join me," said I, making a few circles before starting. "It feels so selfish to go off alone." "Never mind, old boy, off you go, and see that you don't get upon weak ice."

She is quite a thing to dream of; and she is much too preciously utter, and quite too awfully too-too!" "That's obsolete now," says Dulce, "quite out of the market altogether. Too-too has been superseded, you should tell Portia she is very-very!" "Odious," says Roger, in a careful aside as though determined to think Miss Blount's speech unfinished.

Did her visitor, after all, know what Boyne had meant by his unfinished phrase? She asked for an elucidation of his question, and noticed at once that he seemed surprised at her continued ignorance of the subject. Was it possible that she really knew as little as she said? "I know nothing you must tell me," she faltered out; and her visitor thereupon proceeded to unfold his story.

"Where is he?" responded Mary, in a swift breathlessness quite new to her. "In there. We put up a bed in the clock-room." It was the unfinished part of the house. The Veaseys had always meant to plaster, but that consummation was still afar.

Dawn, early September dawn, on dew-moist fields, where the harvest lay unfinished as the workers, hastening to the call of war, had left the work. Across Paris, which seemed as silent as the fields, to an hotel with empty rooms! Five hundred empty rooms, with a clock ticking busily in every room!

Silence for a time until Blount broke in upon Gantry's tapping of the dance-music rhythm with: "If I can close up a few unfinished business matters and get ready I may go with you, Dick. Would you mind?" "Yes; I should mind so much that I'd willingly miss a train or so and worry out a few more of the chilly Boston hours rather than lose the chance of having you along."

There are three or four unfinished orders on hand and I'm on the track of another public building that I want to land. So I guess it isn't rest I need just now, Miss Marne, so much as a straight course of ten-hour working days. If if I should have to go South again " He straightened up with an impatient jerk, the smile faded from his face and his mouth settled in determined lines.