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The struggle has descended upon us in "debate." Will we be true to the task laid on us by the fathers, who unfalteringly carried the Banner of the Covenant amid fiercest battles? Will we be a strong link, or will we be a broken link, connecting the worthy past with the golden future? Which? How did the true Covenanters become diminished? With what spirit did the "remnant" sustain their trials?

Twilight thickened into darkness a choking, pasty darkness and still we sped unfalteringly over that trackless waste, sitting and swinging in our little pool of stifled orange light. To drown fatigue and suspense I conned over my clues, and tried to carve into my memory every fugitive word I had overheard. 'Sorry, I added, for no answer came.

And she answered him unfalteringly: "I will take the responsibility." Slowly Brett Mercer raised himself and tried to peer through his swollen eyelids at the door. "Don't bring any woman here!" he mumbled. The effort to see was fruitless. He sank back, blind and tortured, upon the pillow.

As the British stepped forward, a tremendous crossfire of artillery opened upon them, thirty guns on one side and as many on the other; but in spite of this the six regiments pressed on unfalteringly, with their drums beating lustily behind them. Then there was a movement in their front, and a mighty mass of French cavalry poured down upon them.

"Dark Mother, always gliding near, with soft feet, Have none chanted for thee a chant of fullest welcome? Then I chant it for thee I glorify thee above all; I bring thee a song that when thou must indeed come, come unfalteringly. "Approach, encompassing Death strong Deliveress!

"Hush!" she said. "Hush! He will hear you. I must go. I must go at once." Emergency gave her strength. She moved to the trap-door, and, she knew not how, found the ladder with her feet. Grey-faced, dazed, and cold as marble, she descended. Yet she did not stumble. Her limbs moved mechanically, unfalteringly.

Proudhon saw very clearly the end before his eyes, strove to attain it unfalteringly and steadily, and amid all the variety of the developments in which he preached his ideas to the world for a quarter of a century, never betrayed one iota of its contents. The contradiction from which his work suffered lay deeper. It lay in the form of his thought, and partly in the period to which he belonged.

Clemens was always beautifully and unfalteringly a republican. None of his occasional misgivings for America implicated a return to monarchy. Yet he felt passionately the splendor of the English monarchy, and there was a time when he gloried in that figurative poetry by which the king was phrased as "the Majesty of England."

I I am unhappy." There was a short pause, during which he looked at her unfalteringly, and then he went on with a certain dignity: "I have drunk too much of late years, I know, but I will never do so again. And I think I could make you happy." "Did mother send you here?" asked the girl suddenly. "No; I telephoned her this morning for your address. She would be glad if you could make up your mind."

Sir Lukin stopped. 'He's waving! 'It's good, said Dacier. 'Speak! are you sure? 'I judge by the look. Redworth stepped unfalteringly. 'It's over, all well, he said. He brushed his forehead and looked sharply cheerful. 'My dear fellow! my dear fellow! Sir Lukin grasped his hand. 'It's more than I deserve. Over? She has borne it! She would have gone to heaven and left me! Is she safe?