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Attired as fiction, Truth may be peacefully received; and, despite the necessity thus imposed by prudence, I indulge the modest hope that I do not in these pages unfaithfully represent certain prominent types of the brilliant population which has invented so many varieties of Koom-Posh;

His defenders could always urge his notorious poverty. Before his death he had parted with more than two-thirds of his estate. There was no child to inherit the remainder. To the end he asserted that his wife had run from him unfaithfully, and was pitied for it. So I hear, at least, and do not care; as I am sure she would not have cared.

It was, in brief, as follows: "We hardly know whether we are more astonished at the audacious enterprise of the Swedes in taking our fort on the South river, or at the cowardly surrender of it by our commander, which is nearly insufferable. He has acted very unfaithfully, yea treacherously.

This might be the case, even if Gustavus Adolphus was far from showing a disposition to encourage them, or to act unfaithfully towards his ally, the King of France.

But the money unfaithfully won does stink when it is thrown into God's treasury. 'The price of a dog shall not come into the sanctuary of the Lord. Do not think that money doubtfully won is consecrated by being piously spent.

But after all, and above all, believe this that if your business or your work does actually give you no time to think about God and your own souls, if in the midst of it all you cannot find leisure enough night and morning to pray earnestly, to read your Bible carefully, if it so swallows up your whole thoughts during the day, that you have no opportunity to recollect yourself, to remember that you are an immortal being, and that you have a Saviour in heaven, whom you are serving faithfully, or unfaithfully, if this work or business of yours will not give you time enough for that, then it is not God's business, and ought not to be yours either.

They seemed to see clearly the absurdity of such a scheme. "Besides," I continued, "the trustees of this school have committed it to my charge; they hold me responsible; the public hold me responsible, not you. Now if I should surrender it into your hands, and you, from any cause, should manage the trust unfaithfully or unskillfully, I should necessarily be held accountable.

I have been a steward, and wish it to be known that the duty has not been unfaithfully discharged. That is all. A hundred-fold am I repaid by possessing so dutiful and sweet a child." Maud fell on her father's bosom and sobbed.

When religious teachers act so unfaithfully, they have no right to complain if people lose all confidence in their honesty. We grant, however, that the temptation to keep back the truth on this point is very strong, and we must not be hard on the timid ones.

It is not what we have, but how we handle it, that is in question. 'The cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, were bracketed together by Jesus Christ as the things that 'choke the word, and make it unfruitful. The poor man who wants, and the rich man who uses unfaithfully, are alike hit by the words of my text. Now, further, let me ask you to look at