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"I want you to un'erstan'," he said thickly, "that no gen'l'man would mensh'n a lady's name in a place like this, or shpeak dissuspeckerly 'bout a lady 'n any place; an' I want you to unerstan' fu'thermo' that you're no gen'l'man, an' that I'm goin' t' lick you, by G d!" "The hell you are!" returned Fetters. A scowl of surprise rose on his handsome face, and he sprang to an attitude of defence.

Dar, it done struck five bells dat mean ten-thirty, unerstan' an' you's gotter git half-a-dozen ob yo' bob-tailed nags ready fo' de ridin' lessons yo' tells me yo' gives de yo'ng ladies at six bells, dat's eleben o'clock, Sattidy mawnin's. I's pintedly cur'us fer ter see dem lessons, I is.

Jist gang ye intil the closet there, gien ye wull, and ye'll see what'll maybe saften yer hert a bit, and lat ye unerstan' what mak o' a thing's come to the twa auld fowk ye never cared muckle aboot!" James felt bitterly aggrieved by this personal remark of his mother. How unfair she was! What had he ever done to offend her?

De honah ob de church is japerdized. Neber-de-less he is a free-agent. De lamp still holes out to burn " "An' de wilest sinner can return," interrupted Aun' Sheba, nodding her head repeatedly. "I unerstan'. You means well, Elder." Old Tobe could hold in no longer, and began excitedly, "De question am weder de wile sinner's gwine ter return, or wants ter return, or's got any return in 'im.

"P'raps you won' lib till nex' winter, Unc." Uncle Sheba began to hitch uneasily, and remarked, "I doan see no use ob sech oncomf'ble talk in de restin' time ob de yeah." Aun' Sheba soon forgot him in her unspoken thoughts of Ella and young Houghton. "I begins ter unerstan' dat leetle gal now, an' all her goins on puttin' aw-spice in de cake twice, an' sayin' quar tings.

You're up against it, same as me, an' you can unerstan' a feller; your heart's in the right place, by Harry come 'long, ole chappie, an' we'll light up the house, an' have some fizz, an' we'll raise hell, we will whoop-la! S'long's I'm inside the house I can do as I please the guv'ner's own very orders, b'God! Hip! hip!"