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" ... for it's a fact, in criminal practice," Brereton was saying, "that there are no end of undiscovered crimes there are any amount of guilty men going about free as the air, and " "Hope you've been enjoying yourselves," said Cotherstone, going forward to the group. "I've been as quick as I could." "Mr. Brereton has been telling us most interesting stories about criminals," said Lettie.

Edward C. Gabaudan; who was set adrift one night in a skiff ingeniously covered with drift brush, and, thus concealed, floated undiscovered past the enemy's guards. The small number of his vessels prevented his extending his blockade as far as he wished; but in closing the Red River he deprived the enemy of by far the best line they possessed, and he destroyed a quantity of stores and boats.

The fountain head of this movement is as yet undiscovered, as also is the ultimate object. Of one thing the authorities are assured, and that is, there is some terrible secret danger threatening the country, and the duty of our department is to watch, and, if possible, stop the work of this organization."

Firedamp, it is well known, is only generated in coal seams; therefore the existence of a vein of precious combustible could no longer be doubted. As to its size and quality, that must be determined later. "Yes," thought James Starr, "behind that wall lies a carboniferous bed, undiscovered by our soundings.

This is the same Hudson who searched for the Northwest Passage the passage which was to make a short cut from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific, along the north shore of America, and afford a highway between Europe and Asia, saving the long trip around the Cape of Good Hope, which had just been discovered by the Portuguese. South America and Cape Horn were as yet undiscovered.

She has the idea on her mind now that Molly will blurt it out, and she has the sort of mind that broods and exaggerates. I sincerely wish they had got off to Europe undiscovered and sent the news back by the pilot. I had to speak to Molly once or twice myself; I never knew her so garrulous about anything." Senator North laughed. "You have a great deal of trouble with your parent," he said.

Between these two last alternatives the wary Wragge hesitated; not from doubt of Magdalen's pecuniary resources for he was totally ignorant of the circumstances which had deprived the sisters of their inheritance but from doubt whether an obstacle in the shape of an undiscovered gentleman might not be privately connected with her disappearance from home.

Who the king might be I never cared to inquire; where his palace is still remains undiscovered; this much was clear the king's palace was within our house. Looking back on childhood's days the thing that recurs most often is the mystery which used to fill both life and world.

For this reason I am very much troubled when I see the talents' of humour and ridicule in the possession of an ill-natured man. There cannot be a greater gratification to a barbarous and inhuman wit, than to stir up sorrow in the heart of a private person, to raise uneasiness among near relations, and to expose whole families to derision, at the same time that he remains unseen and undiscovered.

Since that date, neither tidings nor traces have been found of the lost explorer, nor of any of his men or belongings. Several search-parties were organised and a large reward offered, but all in vain and the scene of his disaster remains undiscovered to this day. Many and various are the theories propounded with regard to his fate.