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Hark! among them birds chirp; a matutinal impulse seems astir in the woods; the moon is undimmed; the stars faint only because of her splendors; but one can feel that the earth has roused itself to a sense of a new day.

Morva was clear seeing only; her pure and simple spirit was undimmed by any mists of worldly ideas; no subterfuge or plausible excuse ever hid the truth from her, and yet in spite of this crystal innocence, she kept her engagement to Will a secret from all the world, excepting Sara.

Loraine had seen Hector, who shared his tent, fall fast asleep; but not being inclined to close his own eyes, he stepped out of his tent to take a look at the stars which shone from the heavens, undimmed by a single cloud.

For lack of other entertainment she now fell upon these vulnerable figures, and began to criticise and to laugh at them: she did not have to descend far to reach this level. Her undimmed eyes swept everything walk, imitative manners, imitative dress. Suddenly she withdrew her face from the blinds; young Meredith had entered the gate and was coming up the pavement.

The Vatican seems very familiar, but strangely smaller than of old. I never lost the sense before of confusing vastness. <i>Sancta simplicitas!</i> All my old friends however stand there in undimmed radiance, keeping most of them their old pledges.

The following are a few of the toasts that may be given at celebrations, or banquets, or at the exercises that form a part of the annual decorating of soldiers' graves: The Martyred Dead the Regiments locally represented the Army and Navy any Dead Soldier especially prominent the Union Forever the Whole Country Victory always for the Right the Surviving Soldiers and Sailors Unbroken Peace the Commander-in-Chief, and other officers locally honored any special battle whose field is near at hand the Flag with all its Stars undimmed.

Orme completed her brief engagement at the theatre where she had so dearly earned her freshest laurels; and though her tragic career closed in undimmed splendour, when she voluntarily abdicated the throne she had justly won, bidding adieu for ever to the scene of former triumphs, she heard above the plaudits of the multitude the stern whisper, "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, I will repay."

But the form was indisputable Douce David Deans himself, in his best light-blue Sunday's coat, with broad metal buttons, and waistcoat and breeches of the same, his strong gramashes or leggins of thick grey cloth the very copper buckles the broad Lowland blue bonnet, thrown back as he lifted his eyes to Heaven in speechless gratitude the grey locks that straggled from beneath it down his weather-beaten "haffets" the bald and furrowed forehead the clear blue eye, that, undimmed by years, gleamed bright and pale from under its shaggy grey pent-house the features, usually so stern and stoical, now melted into the unwonted expression of rapturous joy, affection, and gratitude were all those of David Deans; and so happily did they assort together, that, should I ever again see my friends Wilkie or Allan, I will try to borrow or steal from them a sketch of this very scene.

By some freak of soil or aspect every tuft of the low-lying cushion gorse that covered the slopes and hummocks as far as the eye could see was in full bloom, not a dry bush to be seen bloom so thickly set that hardly a green prickle was visible; bloom of one pure vivid yellow, undimmed in the distance, unmarked to closest view, a yellow that was pure essence of that colour untinged by any breath of aught else.

Yet I loved her, I should think, like a father!... Well, God forgive her!... And, to tell the truth, what am I that she should have remembered me when she was dying?... "As soon as she had drunk the water, she grew easier but in about three minutes she breathed her last! We put a looking-glass to her lips it was undimmed! "I led Pechorin from the room, and we went on to the fortress rampart.