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Sir John exclaimed. "He fell over at my feet," she continued. "I saw him stagger and sink down, and the pistol was smoking still in my hand. I bent over him. Anna had told me that he carried always with him this bogus marriage certificate. I undid his coat, and I took it from his pocket. I burned it." "But the marriage itself?" Sir John asked. "I do not understand."

But the neglect of that undid him, and every opportunity which he afterwards had of acquiring anything, instead of making him an accomplished gentleman, did him mischief.

He knew, too, that thought and mental excitement were the worst things for him. "Don't think about it," said he. "It will pass. You have had a knock on the head. Just lean back against the tree, for I want to dress the wound." He undid the bandage, fetched some water from the pool, which was now clear, and set to work.

"I know what that is, Grandmother, only I came away in such a hurry that I forgot all about it! It's a present for you I made it all myself! Let's open it first." "A present for me?" asked Grandmother. "I guess we will open it first." And she carefully undid the string, opened out the paper and looked inside. "A picture card! My dear little girl!" she exclaimed, "and you did it all yourself?"

"My cousin," he continued, "conceives it his duty to lay the letter before your Majesty. He obtained it " "A curse on how he got it! Give it me!" Rischenheim unbuttoned his coat, then his waistcoat. The head of a revolver showed in a belt round his waist. He undid the flap of a pocket in the lining of his waistcoat, and he began to draw out a sheet of paper.

I went to him and undid his bridle rein, and with it fastened the Spaniard to a small wayside tree as best I was able. 'Now, here you stay, I said, 'till I am ready to fetch you; and I turned to go. But as I went a great doubt took me, and once more I remembered my mother's fear, and how my father had ridden in haste to Yarmouth on business about a Spaniard.

I thought Daisy would like a fiddle, and Nat can find her a beau, continued the sailor, with a laugh, as he undid a dainty filigree brooch in the shape of a violin. 'I know she will, and I'll take it to her, answered Nat, as he vanished, glad of an errand, and sure that he could find Daisy though Emil had missed her.

"Well, men," Demetrio said, "you know we've only twenty rifles, besides my thirty-thirty. If there are just a few of them, we'll shoot until there's not a live man left. If there's a lot of 'em, we can give 'em a good scare, anyhow." He undid a rag belt about his waist, loosened a knot in it and offered the contents to his companions. Salt.

Wait a shake, and I'll undo the side gate. He undid the side gate, and the policeman, very cautiously, came in.

Abel was greatly excited by his wonderful discovery, and he was eager to surprise Mrs. Abel Zachariah and to present to her the fair-skinned boy, and therefore he lost no time in further exploration of the boat. Unafraid now of evil spirits, and disregarding the dead man lying aft, he undid the painter of his skiff and secured it astern, where the skiff would tow easily.