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When the men's minds had cooled and Sellers was gone, they hated themselves for letting him beguile them with fine speeches, but it was too late, now they agreed to hang him another time such time as Providence should appoint. Rumors of Ruth's frivolity and worldliness at Fallkill traveled to Philadelphia in due time, and occasioned no little undertalk among the Bolton relatives.

When the men's minds had cooled and Sellers was gone, they hated themselves for letting him beguile them with fine speeches, but it was too late, now they agreed to hang him another time such time as Providence should appoint. Rumors of Ruth's frivolity and worldliness at Fallkill traveled to Philadelphia in due time, and occasioned no little undertalk among the Bolton relatives.

From the undertalk in Sleepy Cat there's going to be something done." "Who by?" "By the cattlemen." "I thought," Hawk spoke again contemptuously, "you meant by the sheriff." "But I didn't," said Laramie. "I meant by the bunch at the range. And when they start they'll stir things up over this way."

There was, as well, a little excited undertalk from one corps to the other. Colonel Sewell neither saw nor took part in this wretched business; and of course Cardigan did not know that he was being thus ridiculed and disparaged while he was smiling and raising his sword to the cheers of the Heavies and the gunners.