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Everybody accused everybody else of double-crossing, underhandedness, gum-shoeing, back-biting, trading, pilfering and horse-stealing. I think there was a window or two broken during the discussion. But we didn't get anywhere. The next day the Senior class elected officers, and every frat went out with a knife for its neighbor.

This young man of yours is a loafer." "Well?" Ruth's voice was quiet, but a faint colour had crept into her face and her eyes were blazing. "Now perhaps you would care to hear what I think of his principles. How do you feel that he comes out of this business? Does he show to advantage? Isn't there just a suspicion of underhandedness about his behaviour?" "No." "No?

I haven't hurt my dress a mite, aunt Mirandy." "It's the craftiness and underhandedness of your actions that's the worst," said Miranda coldly. "And look at the other things you've done! It seems as if Satan possessed you! You went up the front stairs to your room, but you didn't hide your tracks, for you dropped your handkerchief on the way up.

'You won't find things with me, my good sir, he went on, with a clear mild gaze into my face, 'as they are with the horse-dealers; confound their tricks! There are drugs of all sorts go in there, salt and malted grains; God forgive them! But with me, you will see, sir, everything's above-board; no underhandedness. The horses were led in; I did not care for them.

It washed away all their small naughtinesses, made them strong and brave, gradually lessened the underhandedness of the girl, the roughness and selfishness of the boy, and turned the child Oliver into a little angel that is, if children ever are angels except in poetry; but it is certain, and Christian often shuddered to see it, that mismanagement and want of love can change them into little demons.

Farnsworth was grinning broadly at the assumption of his and Patty's relationship, but Patty was enraged at the implication of underhandedness. "He ISN'T my husband!" she cried, "and I don't want a cook for myself, but for another lady!" "Are ye runnin' an intilligence office, belike?" "Here!" cried Bill, sharply. "Don't you speak like that to that lady! Now, you listen to me.

"It is fear that makes a liar, even as harshness and injustice create deceit and underhandedness. Love a child and trust it, and if it does wrong, punish it neither cruelly nor unfairly, and it will never tell falsehoods. Titia will not she shall not, as long as I am alive to keep her to the truth." Dr.

And I hold the odd belief that if we removed the quart of mixed felony, chicanery, falsehood, and underhandedness from the human makeup, on that day the human race could step down to take its place alongside of the cow, just one step ahead of the worm. "Now you accuse me of holding political ambition.

Grey's little daughter with you as a companion. And then the deception, underhandedness can not you see how wrong it was to make secret appointments with a child, and induce her to steal out of the house unknown to both nurse and mother?" "You are not her own mother, Mrs. Grey, it don't affect you."

"They really need a strong hand." "Not mine!" says Homer. Then he got slowly up and staggered down a few steps toward the gate. "It's a good thing I found out this scandal on her in time," says he. "Talk about underhandedness! Talk about a woman hiding her guilty secret! Talk about infamy! I'll expose her, all right. I'm going straight to her and tell her I know all. I'll make her cower in shame!"