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She had not kissed him since the time when she was a child and he an undergraduate, devoted to her even then; and now that kiss and the touch of her hand lingered with him till he slept, and perhaps followed him some little way into the land of dreams. Mark had been waiting in a little dark sitting-room on a lower floor; he had not dared to follow Mabel.

In 1841 the difficulties of the problem presented by these residual perturbations of Uranus excited the imagination of a young student, an undergraduate of Cambridge John Couch Adams by name and he determined to make a study of them as soon as he was through his tripos. In January, 1843, he was graduated as senior wrangler, and shortly afterward he set to work.

The poem from which I have just quoted was thus burlesqued, if, indeed, burlesque of such a composition were possible: The Light Green, which had only an ephemeral life, was, I have always heard, entirely, or almost entirely, the work of one undergraduate, who died young Arthur Clement Hilton, of, St. John's. He certainly had the knack of catching and reproducing style.

"Well, come now, stand me a small Scotch cold, and I'll do it straight off." "That's a fair offer," said the undergraduate, throwing down the money for the whisky.

Padre Newman, who seemed little more than a young undergraduate with a gay and affable countenance, but with that unselfish and utterly unostentatious heroism depicted in every feature a typical example of the kind of hero which our public schools, with all their failings, have sent forth in hundreds and thousands during the last five years was placing jolly records on a gramophone when I entered the little cell; and the mess-waiters were preparing lunch on a table which had been erected for the purpose.

There are, indeed, four Bible Clerks who are undergraduate members and reside within its walls, but their very name is enough to guarantee their unobtrusive respectability if indeed they exist in the flesh at all, for it is said that none except the Fellows of the College have ever seen one! The foundation is rich both in money and in fine buildings.

The shadow of a menace was creeping over some little patch of England or of Scotland. "I's best be going," said the village boy. "'Dulce et decorum est " said the undergraduate. "I hate the idea, but it's got to be done," said the city bred man. So they disappeared from their familiar haunts more and more of them as the months passed.

Ambrose grew to be exceedingly commonplace; and the more commonplace he became, the more he regretted having done so little with the faculties he enjoyed, and the more weary he became of the daily task of galvanising the dull minds of his pupils into a spasmodic activity, just sufficient to leap the ditch that separates the schoolboy from the undergraduate.

It had been said of him that he never, at any one time, knew the names of more than half a dozen students in his class; but this was an undergraduate libel on him. The young man who had accosted him was driving a single horse, attached to what he termed a "democrat" a four-wheeled light wagon, not so slim and elegant as a buggy, nor so heavy and clumsy as a wagon.

The young mothers who wheeled their own perambulators in the Parks, who bathed and dressed and taught their children, whose house-books showed a spirited and inventive economy of which they were inordinately proud, who made their own gowns of Liberty stuff in scorn of the fashion, were at the same time excellent hostesses, keeping open house on Sundays for their husbands' undergraduate pupils, and gallantly entertaining their own friends and equals at small flowery dinner-parties in Morris-papered rooms, where the food and wine mattered little, and good talk and happy comradeship were the real fare.