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"Nay only that you know the secret of remaining beautiful." "You are a poet!" murmured the Empress with a twitch of her thin under-lip. "Affairs of state do not favor the Muses." "But I call any man a poet who sees things more beautiful than they are, or who gives them finer names than they deserve a poet, a dreamer, a flatterer for it comes to that."

"Yes, a vedro and a half," he repeated. As he spoke the tip of his tongue protruded until it rested on the under-lip of his half-opened mouth. In his face there was a curiously thirsty, gross expression, and his attitude, as he stood there, was that of one who had just received a blow, and was about to cry out in consequence.

Christian fled to Kaiser Karl at Brussels; complained to Kaiser Karl, his Brother-in-law, whose Sister he had not used well. Kaiser Karl listened to his complaints, with hanging under-lip, with heavy, deep, undecipherable eyes; evidently no help from Karl.

He saw the pulling together of her eyebrows, and the pinching of her under-lip between her teeth. He saw how she unconsciously sheltered the little brown bird under her left hand in her lap because she must hold the paper with the other, and he quite forgot his anger against her. Sitting so, she made a picture that appealed to him.

Deane rose and took down the square black bottle and the diminutive wine-glass beside it. Half-filling the latter, a thimble-full in verity, he drank it in two or three delicate little sips, puckering his large under-lip to receive them.

Vigorously sputtered Isaac, spitting out the ill-omened words. He said: "Your servant did not kill Mephibosheth". "Well, there was an inquest to-day, the Court decided that you did, and has sentenced you to be hanged by the neck like a dog". The Arab sprang up, his thick bluish under-lip shivering. "An eye for an eye", said Frankl solemnly: "it is written in the Torah".

Heyton's teeth closed on his under-lip and he glanced at the window; Dene saw the glance and understood it; with a gesture of infinite scorn he sauntered slowly to the door, Heyton following him with clenched hands, the veins swelling in his forehead, his face livid.

The principal of these authors were LA HARPE, DUCIS, and CHENIER. The last, who, besides, is famous as member of the National Convention and other Legislative Assemblies, composed the tragedy of Charles Neuf, in which Madame VESTRIS, playing the part of Catherine de Medicis, affected, I am told, to advance her under-lip, a l'Autrichienne, in order to occasion comparisons injurious to the ill-fated Marie-Antoinette.

We all know where the bees go to fetch their honey, and how, when a bee settles on a flower, she thrusts into it her small tongue-like proboscis, which is really a lengthened under-lip, and sucks out the drop of honey.

Strange ordinance of strange elements! There!" and he let her hands go free "They are not injured, nor are you." She was silent pouting her under-lip like a spoilt child, and rubbing one finger where a ring had dinted her flesh. "So you actually think I have coma here to get away from YOU?" he went on "Well for once your ineffable conceit is mistaken.