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"And you have had that impulse almost all the time ever since? Answer me, tell me the truth! I am right, am I not?" Now again he laughed softly at her. "She has a theory. A man may have such an accident, leaving such and such pressure on the brain, with the result that he becomes a thief or worse! Virginia . . ." "Theory! It is no theory. It is an established, undeniable, and undenied fact!

Her fingers crept to the cigarette-box, then found and struck a match, all with a deft, unobtrusive quiet that won its way undenied. The cigarette was lighted, Maxine leaned back in her chair, Jacqueline's confidential moment was secured. "And so, madame, it was a grand success?" Maxine looked up.

Meanwhile, it is an undenied and easily explained fact that the numerous, petty middle-class of the "good old times" has been annihilated by manufacture, and resolved into rich capitalists on the one hand and poor workers on the other. The centralising tendency of manufacture does not, however, stop here.

It was his money that backed the enterprise, and it was common property, undenied by him or anyone else, that the chief object in the speculation was the love of the prima donna, Carmenita Malban. And, Bob, she was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. The story was that she was a countess or something of the sort.

And even the softest mixed with a thousand despairs, difficulties and disappointments, but these were all love, which gave a loose to joys undenied by honour!

Showed blurred and dimly through my tears. I could not tell you of the pride That thrilled me in that parting hour: Grief held command all undenied, And only o'er my speech had power. I found no words to tell the thoughts That strove for utterance in my brain: With gratitude my soul was fraught, And yet I only spoke of pain. O friends!

He's expected at noon, and no wight till he comes May profane the great chair, or the porridge of plums For the best of the cheer, and the seat by the fire, Is the undenied right of the Barefooted Friar.

That here you have the facts, undenied incontrovertible." The following letter of Bray to Aguinaldo, dated January 12, 1899, seems to me to throw much light on the question of how these claims relative to the promised recognition of Filipino independence sometimes originated and were bolstered up: "With regard to your proclamation, there is still a trump card to be played.

The survivals, even in Buddhism, of ancient and prehistoric Fetichism are many and often with undenied approval of the religious authorities, especially in those sects which are themselves reversions to primitive and lower types of religion.

By the grace of Heaven, which has bestowed this secret upon me, I have saved five thousand men, women, and children from sure doom, in the last three years, through my swift and infallible remedy, Professor Certain's Vitalizing Mixture; as witness my undenied affidavit, sworn to before Almighty God and a notary public and published in every newspaper in the State."