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The sound swelled and multiplied oddly, and then they saw the three figures at the gate who had listened, too. Billy was discovered! They escorted Billy home. It was rather a silent walk until the end. Loraine spoke first. "One less in the B-Hive," she said sadly. "Yes, I suppose I'm dropped now," responded Billy, not uncheerfully. "Of course I've got to take the consequences of my my crime.

I bet there's not ten and I don't know the ten." He did not state his case uncheerfully. "The rest of the world" represented to him the normal condition of things. "Most married men's a bit afraid to look an honest grocery bill in the face. And they WILL come in as regular as spring hats.

She spoke, as I remember, calmly and not uncheerfully, but with the intense earnestness and reverent curiosity of one who felt already the shadow of the unseen world resting upon her. Her death was sudden and quite unexpected. For some months she had been troubled with a rheumatic affection, but it was by no means regarded as serious.

The envelope which accompanied the flowers Titine handed to her mistress, who opened it carelessly between mouthfuls and finally added it to the accumulated litter of fashionable stationery. Hermia eyed her Dresden chocolate-pot uncheerfully.

But Dominic Iglesias made effort to comfort him, speaking not uncheerfully, determining even to fight the fatigue and weakness which, as he could not but own, daily increased on him, if only for the sake of this faithful and simple adherent. "Perhaps the sands are running rather low," he said; "but that does not greatly matter. The conditions are in process of alteration.

I heard her ask Mr. if he did not mean to revisit Europe, and heard him answer, not uncheerfully, taking hold of his white hair, "It is getting rather too late in the evening now." If any old age can be cheerful, I should think his might be; so good a man, so cool, so calm, so bright, too, we may say. His life has been like the days that end in pleasant sunsets.

But the Merle twin could sit alone in the presence of this prized art treasure and never think of touching it. He would sit quietly and read his instructive book and not occasion the absent Winona any anxiety. Wherefore the Wilbur twin each Sabbath morning in the woodshed polished three pairs of shoes, and not uncheerfully.

I have taken long walks on the crackling snow, and felt the frosty air bracing. This winter has, for me, not been like last winter. The corresponding months. in '52-3 have gone over my head quietly and not uncheerfully. Thank God for the change and the repose! How welcome it has been He only knows!

Just as a fellow is ready to tell her things, she gets mad and hikes." Nevertheless he smiled, not uncheerfully. What experience he had had with young women told him the signs were not hopeless for his success. He was not sure of her, not by a good deal. He had captured her imagination. But to win a girl's fancy is not the same as to storm her heart.

Once or twice Elsa glanced at me, timidly but by no means uncheerfully. Behind the cover of the chair-back I unfastened my box and got out my necklace. Then I waited for Elsa's next look. It seemed entirely in keeping with the occasion that I, as well as Bederhof, should have my present for her, my ornament, my toy. "Their Majesties' carriage will be drawn by four gray horses," said Bederhof.