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I was a little skeert too; but NOW" she succeeded in buttoning the coat and making the colonel quite apoplectic, "NOW I ain't frightened one bit no, not one TINY bit! But," she added, after a pause, unbuttoning the coat again and smoothing down the lapels between her fingers, "you're to keep on frightening the old cats mind! Never mind about the GIRLS. I'll tell them."

"This, I take it, is the name you gave at the time of the National Registration." "I forget," said the Stranger. "I remember that I put down my trade as Magic, and they registered it on my card as 'Machinist. Yet Magic, I believe, is a starred profession." "What is your trade really?" asked Miss Ford. "I'll show you," replied the Stranger, unbuttoning once more the flap of her pocket.

I only had time to catch up my little man, who was crying with fright, and to run and squeeze myself against a hedge which was somewhat protected by the old willows. I opened my umbrella, crouched down behind it, and, unbuttoning my big coat, stuffed Baby inside. He clung closely to me.

"Now, this is surely dandy! You're going to the house-party too, of course!" he cried, unbuttoning and throwing back his bright tan overcoat. "Here's where I cut Jerry out all right, all right! Wait a minute! How much time have we?" He appealed to the conductor as though a matter of life and death depended on the answer.

I let him in, and when he saw us all there he started and hesitated. "Come in, Pierce," Mr. Sam said. "We've just been talking about you." He came in, but he didn't look very comfortable. "What have you decided to do with me?" he asked. "Put me under restraint?" He was unbuttoning his sweater, and now he took out two of the smallest rabbits I ever saw and held them up by the ears.

"I shall be much obliged, as I have never dressed in man's clothes before." I then sat down in front of her, and, after unbuttoning the fly, arranged the shirt in a proper manner. In doing so I allowed myself some small liberties, but I toyed with such a serious air that she seemed to take it all as a matter of course.

"Just ram your hands into your trouser pockets without unbuttoning your coat, and shuffle along as if nocturnal rambles in the slums of Calcutta were an everyday thing to you. If you're spoken to, don't betray too much familiarity with the vernacular. You know about the limit of the average Tommy's vocabulary; don't go beyond it."

Jetson desire to take his coat off or not?" "Yes!" cried Jetson tempestuously, unbuttoning his own overcoat and tossing it to the ground. "Now, take yours off, Mr. Darrin!" "It's off," responded Dave, tossing the garment aside. "Now, look to yourself, sir!" The two second classmen closed in furiously. It was give and take, for a few moments.

He rose, and unbuttoning his inner coat, fumbled in the pocket of it till he found a letter. 'An here is a letter for Mr. Gurney. If yo gie me a pen, Davy, I'll write in to 't yor reet address, an put it in t' post as I goo to t' station. I took noatice of a box as I coom along. An then He stood still a moment pondering, one outspread hand on the letter.

You must have money, lots of it, perhaps you have it on you. Let's see, you naughty papa, let me search your pockets, let me look at your wallet. Don't say no; you have it with you. You have it with you!" She plunged her hands in her father's breast, unbuttoning his working jacket, tickling him to get at the inside pocket. Renovales resisted feebly. "You foolish girl. You're wasting your time.