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It has a jarrin' effect on ears unattenuated er meanin' ears that ain't keyed up to it, as the pote says. She's comin' back. Fold your napkin. Don't look so blame hungry! Ain't you got any style?" "She's the prettiest girl I ever seen," said the boy, hastily swallowing his share of the hot, insipid coffee. "Pretty?" whispered Overland, as Louise approached. "She's thoroughbred.

He was talking to Miss Staverton, with whom for a couple of months now he had availed himself of every possible occasion to talk; this disposition and this resource, this comfort and support, as the situation in fact presented itself, having promptly enough taken the first place in the considerable array of rather unattenuated surprises attending his so strangely belated return to America.

"I think I could make him one," Peter Baron declared. Mr. Locket stared again; he was unable to repress an unattenuated "You?" "I have some new material," said the young man, colouring a little. "That often freshens up an old story." "It buries it sometimes. It's often only another tombstone." "That depends upon what it is.

There was time for all the world to be informed of the procedure, for the first "preventive" inoculation or vaccination, as Pasteur termed it was made on May 5th, the second on May 17th, and another interval of two weeks must elapse before the final inoculations with the unattenuated virus. Twenty-four sheep, one goat, and five cattle were submitted to the preliminary vaccinations.