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But this little drama, rehearsed in the privacy of her own room, went unacted, since the curtain did not rise upon the stage. The colonel came and went as usual. Some dissimulation was required on Graciella's part to preserve her usual light-hearted manner toward him.

Now it is to the curvilinear motions of the heavenly bodies that we must ascribe our subjection to the periodic law. If these heavenly bodies moved for ever in straight lines, as they would do if unacted on by natural forces, the periodic rhythm of Nature would disappear.

Our daily familiar life is but a hiding of ourselves from each other behind a screen of trivial words and deeds, and those who sit with us at the same hearth are often the farthest off from the deep human soul within us, full of unspoken evil and unacted good. When Mrs.

Of the latter the American commissioners had decided in favor of our citizens claims amounting to $928,627.88, which were left unacted on by the umpire authorized by the treaty. Still further claims, amounting to between three and four millions of dollars, were submitted to the board too late to be considered, and were left undisposed of.

Here they arrange themselves into two layers, the top of which consists of the nitrobenzene which has been produced, together with some benzene which is still unacted upon. The mixture is then freed from the latter by treatment with a current of steam. Nitrobenzene presents itself as a yellowish oily liquid, with a peculiar taste as of bitter almonds.

Carey's dummy entrymen had tied up for him these bases of exchange for lieu lands by instantly applying for worthless lieu lands, and these applications had been held up in the land office unacted upon, in order that the bases might show of record as used; then, at the word from Carey, these filings on worthless land had been abandoned, in order that Carey might use the bases for the acquisition of the lands he really desired.

A convention providing for the revival of the late United States and Chilean Claims Commission and the consideration of claims which were duly presented to the late commission, but not considered because of the expiration of the time limited for the duration of the commission, was signed May 24, 1897, and has remained unacted upon by the Senate.

But this is not exactly the sort of thing one finds it easy to confide to a policeman, be he ever so friendly a policeman. Cleggett Old Clegg, the copyreader Clegg, the commonplace C. J. Cleggett, the Brooklynite-this person whom young reporters conceived of as the staid, dry prophet of the dusty Fact was secretly a mighty reservoir of unwritten, unacted, unlived, unspoken romance.

So, with the exception of the article I alluded to, in your Magazine, and a few letters on the present potato disease in the Gardener's Guide, I am a Great Unpublished in the same way as I understand there are a number of extraordinary geniuses in the dramatic line, who have called themselves the Great Unacted.

He has emphatically been the man for the hour, abruptly transferred from his remote birthplace, it has seemed to me, by a special intervention of Providence; free of all local prejudices, which have been, and will continue to be, the curse of this country, and with a mettle unacted upon by years of doubt and hesitation. I do no other man in public life an injustice in my warm admiration of Mr.