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She's a terr'ble hand for runnin' away, or, ruther, for not bein' where she should be when wanted. The wind has riz awful. It don't rain none yet, but's goin' to right off. I didn't think to fetch an umberell an' couldn't have used it if I had. Not again' this blow. Alfy, you call Katharine, and we'll start back prompt. No, thank ye, Madam, I won't stop to set down, not this time.

As we started out ag'in, he looked down onto my faithful umberell, that had stiddied me on so many towers of principle, and sez he, in low concentrated axents of skern and bitterness, "If that wuz a dumb parasol, Samantha, I would crush it to the earth and grind it to atoms."

I tell'd the landlord hoo the thing happened, an' next mornin' at brakfast time you never heard sic lauchin'. A' the chaps were clappin' Sandy on the shuder; an' ane o' them says "Ay, man; it's no mony fowk that tak's their lum hat an' their umberell to their bed wi' them." But the auld skipper was the king amon' them a'. Hoo he raggit Sandy aboot bein' a somnambulashinist or something.

The subject was abruptly changed by Mr. White. "Well, I guess I'll be moseyin' along home, Amos. That certainly did sound like thunder, didn't it? And that tree-toad has stopped signallin', that's a sure sign. Like as not I'll get caught in the rain if I don't, what say, Lucindy?" "Do you want an umberell, Steve?" "I should say not! What do you want me to do? Scare the rain off? No, sir!

Oh, whaur are ye, Bawbie?" "Wha i' the earth is he, or what's ado wi' him?" I heard somebody speer. "Gude kens," said anither voice. "It's shurely some milkman wi' the bloo deevils." "Milkman! What wud a milkman do wi' an umberell, a portmanty, an' a lum hat?" Juist at that meenit Sandy cam' fleein' alang the passage again, an' by this time a' the fowk in the hotel were oot on the stairs.

Sandy got doon to the lobby a' richt; an' a'thing was dark, an' as still's the grave. He scrammilt aboot till he got the bag; syne he fand for his lum hat, an' put it on his heid. He got his umberell in his oxter, an' the bag in his hand, an' then he fand roond juist to see if there was naething else he had forgotten.