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And Godiva and Ulfketyl heard his vow, and shuddered; but they dared not stop him, for they, too, had English hearts. And Winter and Gwenoch heard it, and repeated it word for word. Then he kissed his mother, and called Winter and Gwenoch, and went forth. He would be back again, he said, on the third day. Then those three went to Peterborough, and asked for Abbot Brand.

And Ulfketyl worked hard and well, till a string of barges wound its way through the fens, laden with beeves and bread, and ale-barrels in plenty, and with monks too, who welcomed the Danes as their brethren, talked to them in their own tongue, blessed them in St.

"Yes, I thought it an unwise act of grace. It would have been wiser to leave him, as he desired, out on the down, in ground unconsecrate." "Of course, of course; for what has happened?" "That old traitor, Ulfketyl, and his monks bring the body to Crowland, and bury it as if it had been the Pope's.

Yet, even at this awful crisis, Edmund's lion heart did not wholly fail him, as he left the field where lay all the flower of the Anglo-Saxon race: the brave and faithful Ulfketyl, Earl Ethelweard, Earl Godwin, Elfric the ealdorman, and well nigh all the great men of England, all sleeping in death.

This Ingulf of Fontenelle, the new abbot who has come thither since old Ulfketyl was sent to prison, is a loyal man, and a friend of King William's, and my friend he shall be till he behaves himself as my foe. Let them come up in peace." Taillebois growled and cursed: but the monks came up, and into the hall; and at their head Ingulf himself, to receive whom all men rose, save Taillebois.

"Well," went on the injured Earl, "this Hereward gets news of me, and news too, I don't know whence, but true enough it is, that I had sworn to drive Ulfketyl out of Crowland by writ from king and bishop, and lock him up as a minister at the other end of England." "You will do but right.

Only let me see her, reason with her." "She has vowed herself to God, and is none of thine hence forth." "It is against the canons. A wrong and a robbery." Ulfketyl rose, grand as ever. "Hereward Leofricsson, our joy and our glory once. Hearken to the old man who will soon go whither thine Uncle Brand is gone, and be free of Frenchmen, and of all this wicked world.

"Not unless you intend to work miracles, and set up for saints, like your Alphege Edmund." "Heaven forbid that we should compare ourselves with them! Only let us alone till we die." "If you let us alone, and do not turn traitor meanwhile." Abbot Ulfketyl bit his lip, and kept down the rising fiend.

At last the gates creaked, and opened; and in the gateway stood Abbot Ulfketyl in his robes of state, and behind him Prior, and all the officers, and all the monks of the house. "Comes Hereward in peace or in war?" "In war!" said Hereward.

So the English looked on with fear and trembling, while Sweyn burnt Wilton and Salisbury, whence he returned to the sea laden with wealth and stained with blood; yet was not his revenge satisfied. The following year East Anglia suffered as Wessex had suffered the year before. Ulfketyl, the ealdorman, gave them much money, hoping to buy peace from the merciless pagans.