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It is this constant discharge that prevents the wound from healing. In some cases the lachrymal bone is involved in the ulcerative process and becomes carious. In the dog, and particularly in the smaller spaniel, the watery eye, 'fistula lachrymalis', is of no unusual occurrence. The fistula will be recognised by a constant, although perhaps slight, discharge of pus.

In the nose, especially when the ulcerative process is associated with a putrid discharge ozæna the destruction of tissue may be considerable and result in unsightly deformity. The entire palatal portions of the upper jaws, the vomer, turbinate, and other bones bounding the nasal and oral cavities, may disappear, so that on looking into the mouth the base of the skull is readily seen.

"And if Sir Frank Narcombe was really poisoned as Paris seems to think he was he's also a big fool." retorted Dunbar bluntly. "He agreed that death was due to heart trouble." "I know he did; unsuspected ulcerative endocarditis. Perhaps he was right." "If he was right," said Dunbar, taking up the piece of gold from the table, "what was Gaston Max doing with this thing in his possession?"

This occurs from gangrene, and putrefactive changes, or in some instances, from the ulcerative process, so constantly observed in the segregation of dead from living tissues. Abscesses are not infrequently found in different parts of the lungs. Sometimes circumscribed, at others connected with bronchial tubes, and not infrequently communicating with the pleural cavity.

At times the edges of the valves may grow together from ulcerative inflammation, and the lumen thus be diminished in size; or projecting vegetations may interfere with the opening of the valve and with the flow of blood. With such narrowing the left ventricle more or less rapidly hypertrophies to overcome its increased work.

What control measures are recommended in anthrax? What is ulcerative sore mouth? Give the treatment. Describe the symptoms occurring in rabies, and state the control measures recommended. Name the species of animals affected by foot-and-mouth disease, and the countries where the disease is prevalent. Give the methods of distribution and control of foot-and-mouth disease.

Exactly how much harm such injections of unnecessary vaccines can produce in a patient is a question that has not been definitely decided. Theoretically an autogenous vaccine is the only vaccine which should be successful. The vaccine treatment of ulcerative endocarditis was not shown to be very successful by Dr. Int.

The pain may spread to the clavicle and the scapula, and he seems to think that it is the pain that causes the enlargement of the glands at a distance. His description of ulcerative cancer of the breast is very striking.

Occasionally the ulcerations become serious, and ulcerative endocarditis or malignant endocarditis develops on the mild inflammation. In this form the little vegetations are liable to become loosened, fly off into the blood stream, and cause emboli in different parts of the body. Anat. u. z. allg.

Although mild endocarditis rarely causes death of itself, it may develop into an ulcerative endocarditis, and then be serious per se. On the other hand, it may add its last quota of disability to a patient already seriously ill, and death may occur from the combination of disturbances.