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When he was tired of walking he returned to the hotel, went to his room, turned on the light, and started to continue his unfinished perusal of Proudhon's book on the speculator. And while he read, there came from the salon the notes of a Tzigane waltz played on the piano. Caesar was writing something on the margin of a page when there came a knock at his door. "Come in," said Caesar.

And so, too, in that loud, crass annex of Broadway, the Café de Paris and in the Moulin Rouge, which died forever from the earth a dozen years ago when the architect Niermans seduced the place with the "art nouveau" and amid the squalid hussies of the fake Tabarin and in the Rue Royale, at Maxim's, with its Tzigane orchestra composed of German gipsies and its toy balloons made by the Elite Novelty Co. of Jersey City, U.S.A.

When he walked slowly through the restaurant, pausing at each table, his eyes, even while they ogled the women to whom he played, followed the brother Tzigane who was passing the plate and noted which of the patrons gave silver and which gave gold. Edouard, the second violin, was all that Bardini was not, consequently he was entirely unsuited to lead an orchestra in a restaurant.

With regard to Archduke Joseph, the above-mentioned "Gypsy Archduke," there is no doubt that without him the outer world would still have been left in ignorance of the incalculably rich mine of Tzigane music. He is only distantly related to Emperor Francis-Joseph, being the senior member of a branch of the house of Hapsburg which has been settled for more than one hundred years in Hungary.

The booming of the Tzigane band was no longer heard only the horses' muffled footfalls and the intermittent chromatic drone of hidden distant tram-cars. She shivered and shaded her face with her fan. There was something remote from humanity in his speech. He continued with increasing vivacity: "Music is a burning torch. And music, like ideas, can slay the brain.

"If he weren't so wild; but don't you think he has a frightfully savage expression, Jack?" "If you are intending to play with him, old girl, take my advice, you had better look out," and he laughed his merry laugh as they stopped because the piano stopped. Meanwhile the Prince had left the room. "Gritzko has gone to telephone for a Tzigane band," Princess Sonia said.

It was a night of new worlds for them both, for if Theodora had never looked into any world at all, he also had never even imagined one which could be so quite divine as this this shared with her in the moonlight, with the magic of the Tzigane music and the soft spring night. He had just sufficient mastery over himself left not to overstep the bounds of respectful and deep interest in her.

You are the biggest thief this side of the Danube." "And you, you lowborn Tzigane, are the cheapest swindler on earth." Quarrelling and shaking hands alternately and drinking wine Marcu and the Greek went on for hours.

The last groups about the tea-tables in the Palm Court had broken up, the Tzigane orchestra had stacked its instruments together on its little platform and gone home, and a gentle calm rested over the great hotel as the forerunner of the coming dinner storm. The pre-dinner hour is the uncomfortable hour of the modern hotel de luxe.

Zelaya sat upon the steps and when he came before her, he bowed very respectfully. The old woman showed more emotion at his appearance than Ruth believed possible. She got up quickly and kissed the boy on both of his cheeks. Her eyes sparkled and she talked with him for some time in the Tzigane tongue.