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"You are impossible," he replied. They talked of Crozier's land deal and syndicate as they walked slowly towards the house. Mrs. Tynan met them at the door, a look of excitement in her face. "A telegram for you Kitty," she said. "For me!" exclaimed Kitty eagerly. "It's a year since I had one." She tore open the yellow envelope. A light shot up in her face.

I have a fear that you'll be terribly lonely as you travel along the trail, Kitty Tynan." A light of pleasure came into Kitty's eyes, though her face was a little drawn. "You really do think I'm original that I'm myself and not like anybody else?" she asked him with a childlike eagerness.

Crozier, however, was fully conscious of the poignancy of the remark, and once again her face flushed slightly, though she kept outward composure. "Mother, mother, are you there?" Kitty called, as she escorted the wife up the garden walk. An instant later Mrs. Tynan cheerfully welcomed the disturber of the peace of the home where Shiel Crozier had been the central figure for so long.

Tynan walked up to Burlingame with the look of a woman of the Commune and said: "If I had a son I would disown him if he didn't mangle you till your wife would never know you again, you loathesome thing. There isn't a man or woman in Askatoon who'd believe your sickening slanders, for every one knows what you are. How dare you enter this house?

Th' conspirators, heavily disgeesed, was attinded to th' boat be a long procission. First come Tynan ridin' on a wagon-load iv nithroglycerine; thin th' other conspirators, with gas-pipe bombs an' picks an' chuvvels f'r tunnellin' undher Winzer Castle; thin th' Ah-o-haitches; thin th' raypoorthers; thin a brigade iv Scotland Ya-ard spies in th' ga-arb iv polismin.

It did not occur to Augustus Burlingame that in Crozier, who knew why he had fled the house of the showy but virtuous Mrs. Tynan, he might find a witness of a mental and moral calibre with baffling qualities and some gift of riposte.

"He's done the first aid, and he's off getting what's needed for the operation. He'll be here in a minute or so," said a banker who, a few days before, had refused Crozier credit. "Gently, gently don't do it that way," said Mrs. Tynan in sharp reproof as they began to take off Crozier's clothes.

He caught his breath as though Life had burst upon him with some staggering revelation. If she had been a woman of genius, as in her way Kitty Tynan was, she would have spoken before he had a chance to do so. Instead, she wished to see how he would greet her, to hear what he would say. She was afraid of him now.

"Because I didn't show what I felt all these years, and only exposed my real feelings when you read those verses to me, do you think any man who was a gentleman wouldn't in the circumstances say, 'These verses are for you, Kitty Tynan'? You betrayed me into showing you what I felt, and then you tell me your verses are for another girl!" "Girl! Girl! Girl!" he burst out.

"I owe you a great deal," he added feelingly, "and I can't repay you in cash or kindness for what you have done; but it is due you to tell you my whole story, and that is what I propose to do now." "If you think " "I do think; and also I want both Mrs. Tynan and her daughter to hear my story.