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It was whispered that Power was the only man likely to succeed with either the Miss Morleys, though, as far as was observed, he paid them no particular attention; indeed, he was not looked upon as a marrying man. He was the only unmarried captain on board. Captain Gosling had left his wife at home; and Mrs Twopenny was in delicate health, and generally kept her cabin.

Then there were waitresses, and their notion of waiting was to spend an hour talking to a twopenny cup of coffee, and to look haughty and insulted whenever anybody as really wanted something ventured to ask for it. A frizzle-haired cashier used to make love all day out of her pigeon-hole with the two box-office boys from the Oxford Music Hall, who took it turn and turn about.

Seems like craziness. I'll own up square to one thing: I seem to have figured too fine upon the flour. But the rest my land! I'll never understand it! There's been more waste on this twopenny ship than what there is to an Atlantic Liner." He stole a glance at his companions: nothing good was to be gleaned from their dark faces; and he had recourse to rage.

Let us not think too precisely on such events. But rather let us climb the toilsome track up to the little town, where Cicero once waited to meet the assassin Brutus after the murder of the world's greatest man; and there, in the ancient inn still called "Diana's Looking-glass" from the old name of the beautiful and mysterious lake which lies in profoundly mingled green and indigo below it, let us forget impending doom over a twopenny quart of wine and a plate of little cuttlefish stewed in garlic, after which any priest might confront his successor with equanimity.

Monsieur Parole d'Honneur, too, who was the gayest of the gay, specially distinguished himself for his vaulting powers in a sport which he entitled in his broken English manner "ze leap of ze frog;" and, as for grave Doctor Batson, whom we all thought so formal and dignified in his professional tether, why, the way in which he "stuck in his twopenny," as the boys said, and "gave a `back," was a caution to the lookers-on!

"Why should this little twopenny, one-horse place I mean in size and furnishments have such luck as to get the best there is in France? It means a lot of trouble, eh?" "It means some trouble. But let me tell you" he leaned over the table and laid a hand on Dyck's, which was a little nervous "let me speak as an old friend to you, if I may. Here are the facts.

'Deputy, says Durdles, with a nod. 'Is that its his name? 'Deputy, assents Durdles. 'I'm man-servant up at the Travellers' Twopenny in Gas Works Garding, this thing explains. 'All us man-servants at Travellers' Lodgings is named Deputy. When we're chock full and the Travellers is all a-bed I come out for my 'elth. Then withdrawing into the road, and taking aim, he resumes: 'Widdy widdy wen!

As soon as breakfast was over, Harry held a council of war with the doctor, Captain Twopenny, and Mr Bollard. All hope of getting away, if no vessel appeared, was now cut off. They might have to remain many months it was impossible to say how long.

Boyd, ... Two mornings since, I saw in the paper, under the head of literary news, that a change of editorship was taking place in the 'New Monthly Magazine; and that Theodore Hook was to preside in the room of Mr. Hall. I am so much too modest and too wise to expect the patronage of two editors in succession, that I expect both my poems in a return cover, by every twopenny post.

Évariste Gamelin himself, stern-tempered as he was, when he recovered his twopenny knife from Élodie's lap, recited the going down of Grisbourdon into hell, with a good deal of spirit. The citoyenne Thévenin sang without accompaniment Nina's ballad: "Quand le bien-aimé reviendra."