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He had been sent straight from Sandhurst to South Africa, where he had fought with violence and satisfaction for two years, winning the D. S. O., a broken nose, and a cut across the face. When the fighting was over, he obtained leave for a two-years' exploring expedition into the heart of West Africa. Ten men had gone on this expedition, and two survived.

"And he who fights among Englishmen will always find one," said Sir Richard. "I am the fittest second for my guest." "You only add one more obligation, illustrious cavalier, to a two-years' prodigality of favors, which I shall never be able to repay." "But, Nephew Arthur," said Grenville, "you cannot surely be second against your father's guest, and your own uncle."

Jaynes's, I do say, Laura, that you ought to give better reasons for refusing him, nay, for jilting him, after a two-years' engagement, than that his cheeks are pale and his spectacles blue. We love you, Laura, and are willing to give you a home and the best we can afford to eat and drink and wear, but Mr.

"That old man believes just exactly the same sort of stuff now that he did forty years ago. What's more, he preaches it. You can't run a church that way, can you?" His trustees had done their best to meet the difficulty. They had offered Dr. McTeague a two-years' vacation to go and see the Holy Land. He refused; he said he could picture it.

Times without number she had visited the sick and widowed mother while the Sparrow had served a two-years' sentence for his first conviction in safe-breaking. The Sparrow, from a first-class chauffeur mechanic, had showed signs of becoming a first-class cracksman, it was true; but the Sparrow was young, and she had never believed that he was inherently bad.

For copper used in electrical and other industries she claims to have devised substitutes before the war, and her experts now assert that a two-years' supply of copper and brass has been gathered from the kitchens and roofs of Germany. The copper quest has assumed such proportions that the roof of the historic, world-renowned Rathaus at Bremen has been stripped.

He was the early advocate of most of the religious and social reforms which have since come to the front. By preference, he always used the methods of peace and persuasion. He had made early acquaintance with slavery in a two-years' residence in Richmond while a young man. He was always opposed to it, but his attention was long absorbed by the immediate needs of his own people.

The question has now been up to England for a two-years' discussion, and they have only to open His Word and find it out"; then he straightened himself and in a mighty burst of joyful pride and enthusiasm cried out: "'Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.

"Yes," he said, with colossal, adamantine impudence, "I've just got it back from a two-years' visit to 'my uncle'." Only a few evenings later the same party met again in the same spot. "What time is it, Mr. S ?" asked Sophia Primrose, amiably disposed to resuscitate a forlorn joke. A mammoth blush submerged the luckless Bohemian.

In his gratitude for being protected from the Maroons, this man confirmed the previous information. The excitement now was most intense; for the crowning triumph of a two-years' great adventure was at last within striking distance of the English crew.