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He claimed they was two-seventy-five still owin', and I didn't have but about fifty cents, so I couldn't pay it. So he wouldn't let me in. Natchally, anybody'd feel bad, like that, 'specially when a man told 'em he'd hold their kid's clothes an' things till they paid which they couldn't!"

"Apparently you are willing to give it rather than let the purchase go," observed Mr Baker drily. "For aught you know both these gentlemen may be desiring it for a building site. Did I hear one of them say two-seventy-five? Captain er Hunken, if I caught the name?" "Two-eighty," persisted Cai. "Two-ninety!" "Well, make it three hundred, and I've done!" groaned Mr Middlecoat collapsing. "Three "

"I am informed that a circle of dangerous char-ackters with green noses gather there and drink cider containing more than two-seventy-five per cent of apple juice. I'm about to pull the place." "For Heaven's sake, Terry; don't do that! You'll scare " "Whisht, Dominie!" interrupted Terry with an elaborate wink. "There'll be no surprise, except maybe to the Judge in the morning.

Well, when I gets out, the boy's dead. An' they never even tells me, till I goes back! An' I can't even get his things. Because why? Mrs. McCane's gone, Gord knows where, an' Mr. Micolo says I still owe two-seventy-five. I want to get down there to Scottsville, to my sister's; but curse me if I'll go till I pay that devil an' get them clothes!"

He knowed it wasn't safe.... He had to work on it or lose his job...." "I know that NOW, Mrs. Hammil.... What was he earning?" "Two-seventy-five a day.... And now.... How'll we live, with him in the hospital and maybe never able to work again?" "Here..." protested Hammil, weakly, glaring at Bonbright. "We'll come out all right. He'll pay.... You'll pay, that's what you will.

What wages are your men getting?" "Two dollars and a half." "Go back and offer them two-seventy-five. And tell them that for every day between the first of October and the day we get water on the land each and every man of them will draw down an extra five dollars. Now get to work. I want to see what you can get done by quitting-time."

I was taking a chance, y'see, because it was an opening. Thought it would be something to say, when I got home, that I'd been to a New York opening. Set me back two-seventy-five, including tax, and I wish I'd got it in my kick right now. 'The Wild Rose, they called it," he said satirically, as if exposing a low subterfuge on the part of the management.