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Then, while Crane and the women scrambled up off the floor and hurried to the visiplates, Seaton cut in rays six, two-seven, and five-eight. Ray six, "the softener," was a band of frequencies extending from violet far up into the ultra-violet.

Dave passed better than he had hoped, making two-nine as his standing. Dalzell was forced to be content with two-seven, but as two-five was a high enough mark for passing Dan was delighted. Fifty-nine of the men of the fourth class were dropped for failing to keep up to the two-five standard. And one of these was Midshipman Brimmer.

Spread out a mile or two, and pretend this is all the speed we've got. What'll we give him first?" "Give him everything at once. Rays six, seven, eight, nine, and ten...." Crane, with Seaton, began making contacts, rapidly but with precision. "Heat wave two-seven. Induction, five-eight. Oscillation, everything under point oh six three. All the explosive copper we can get in. Right?"

When driven with sufficient power, this ray destroyed eyesight and nervous tissue, and its power increased still further, actually loosened the molecular structure of matter. Ray two-seven was operated in a range of frequencies far below the visible red.

Danny boy, I don't believe there's a single thing in life worth having a fellow can get without working hard for it!" "There goes the call for mathematics, Dave. We'll tumble out and see whether we can get a two-six today. "Or a two-seven," suggested Darrin hopefully. "My, but how far away a full four seems! "Did anyone ever get a full four?" asked Dan, opening his eyes very wide.