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Give Gedge enough rope and he would hang himself. So we parted. I have said before that when I want to shew how independent I am of everybody I drive abroad in my donkey carriage. But there are times when I have to be dependent on Marigold for carrying me into the houses I enter; on these helpless occasions I am driven about by Marigold in a little two-seater car.

Everything's upside-down. It has no sort of use for Marmaduke Trevor of Denby Hall. No more use than for Goliath. By the way, how is the poor little beast getting on?" Peggy laughed. "Oh, Goliath is perfectly assured of his position. He has got it rammed into his mind that he drives the two-seater." She returned to the attack. "Do you intend always to remain a private?" "I do," said he.

The first "fighters" were therefore two-seater pushers, such as the "Short-horn" Maurice Farmans which, though not designed for fighting, and too slow to chase enemy aircraft, were the first to be fitted with Lewis guns, and F.E.'s, the first machine designed specifically for fighting, with the machine-gun operator in front of the pilot.

The heiress had hired a motor, a little two-seater that she could drive, and with respect to locomotion was entirely independent of her hostess.

"Well, you might tell her it's nothing of consequence but I must go in to town for a few hours I shall have them give me a sandwich or so now and catch the 7.03, I think." "But look, Father, Oliver has to go in too, for dinner he's taking the two-seater now. Why don't you let him take you too that would save time " "Perfectly delighted to, Mr. Piper, of course, and " Mr.

The journey from Pall Mall to Clifton had been a long and rather tiring one, and as I sat in the swift two-seater half-way across the high suspension bridge, I smoked reflectively as I gazed away along the river where deep below shone a few twinkling lights.

I've made a point of telling you everything. I even told you about the two-seater." "So you did," said Doggie. "I remember." He smiled. "Your description made me laugh. Oliver's a major now, isn't he?" "Yes. And just before he got his majority they gave him the Military Cross." "He must be an awful swell," said Doggie. She replied with some heat.

That's the best way, eh, old girl? I see it's staggered you as it staggered me. Woodall you've heard me speak of Woodall, one of our travellers? was just about to start for a long trip New York, Chicago, then Montreal and all over Canada, California, then New Zealand; it was a fine trip, selling our Runaway two-seater.

A good flyer, yes, Larkin admitted, but forever cutting formation, flying off where he pleased, absenting himself for two or three days, and returning with the thinnest of excuses. But he got by, somehow, and Cowan was the only one who appeared friendly toward him. For the past twenty-four hours, Larkin told McGee, Siddons had been working on a two-seater and had made two test flights.

"Uncle Edward, isn't he a hundred times the man he was?" "I told you, my boy, you would see a difference," said the Dean. Peggy ran in, having delivered the two-seater to the care of myrmidons. "Now that the affecting meeting is over, let us have tea. Oliver, ring the bell." The tea came.