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He would show the world whether he was a failure or not. They let him down in front of his wife's little cottage, and he entered briskly in the gathering gloom. On September 18, 1873, at twelve-fifteen of a brilliant autumn day, in the city of Philadelphia, one of the most startling financial tragedies that the world has ever seen had its commencement.

If you're catching the twelve-fifteen, you ought to be staggering round to see you haven't forgotten anything. There's the car coming round now." "I wish now I had decided to go by a later train." "No, no, mustn't miss the twelve-fifteen. Good, fruity train. Everybody speaks well of it. Well, see you anon, mater. I think you'd better run like a hare." "You will remember what I said?"

Harley saw Plover in his accustomed place in the front rank, just under the light of the torches, where he would meet the speaker's eye, his face rapt and worshipful. Then he looked at his watch. "Twelve-fifteen," he said to himself. "The Denver Express will be here in another fifteen minutes, and Susan will fall on the neck of her Billy." Then he stopped to listen to Grayson.

During the week before Christmas, she worked standing over fourteen hours every day, from eight to twelve-fifteen in the morning, one to six in the afternoon, and half past six in the evening till half past eleven at night.

Then I heard him cough, as he always did, when the cigarette was lighted and the first inhalation of smoke flushed his lungs. At twelve-fifteen, in the midst of Conrad's delightful chapter, "The Weight of the Burden," I heard Mr. Pike come along the hall. Stealing a glance over the top of my book, I saw him go by, sea-booted, oilskinned, sou'westered.

Miss Norton is going to take it away with her she is to catch the ten-thirty train for Reuton. The train arrives at its destination at twelve. Much as it pains me to say it, no one will leave this room before twelve-fifteen." "You crook!" roared Cargan. Mr. Magee smiled as he put the package in the girl's hand. "Possibly," he said. "But, Mr.

"We cannot stay out after twelve-fifteen, sah. We get an extra fifteen minutes on Christmas Eve, you know," explained Godfrey. "We are led to believe that you stay out till the cock crows," said Gates. "Oh, these absurd superstitions," cried Mrs. Gloame merrily. "How ignorant the people are. Are you going my way, Godfrey?" "Yes, dear, and I care not what the direction may be. Good-night, Mr.

From eight to nine o'clock the eldest daughter had a singing lesson. From nine to ten o'clock the second daughter took a piano lesson. From ten to eleven o'clock the eldest son had a violin lesson. From eleven to twelve o'clock the other son had a lesson on the flute. At twelve-fifteen all the brothers and sisters assembled and studied an ear-splitting piece for voice, piano, violin and flute.

On September 18, 1873, at twelve-fifteen noon, Jay Cooke & Co. failed for approximately eight million dollars and the Northern Pacific for all that had been invested in it some fifty million dollars more. One can imagine what the result was the most important financier and the most distinguished railway enterprise collapsing at one and the same time.

"Lady Caroline is leaving by the twelve-fifteen." "That's good! What I mean to say is oh, she is, is she? I see what you mean." The absolute necessity of saying something at least moderately coherent gripped him. He rallied his forces. "You wouldn't care to come for a stroll, after I've seen the mater, or a row on the lake, or any rot like that, would you?"