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The tribunal of Kaschin, near Tver, once had occasion to judge a peasant named Tvorojnikoff who, as a result of his private meditations, had succeeded in evolving a new religion for himself and his friends. After working for six months in St.

She was woman enough to enter into futile arguments with her mother, and man enough to despise herself for doing it. "Why do you want to go back to Thors so soon?" murmured the elder lady, with a little sigh of despair. She knew she was playing a losing game very badly. She was mentally shuddering at the recollection of former sleigh-journeying from Tver to Thors.

"Your villany has touched Paul's life, and at that point it touches mine," continued Karl Steinmetz, with slow anger. "You followed us to Petersburg thence you dogged us to the Government of Tver. You twisted that foolish woman, the Countess Lanovitch, round your finger, and obtained from her an invitation to Thors. All this in order to be near one of us. Ach! I have been watching you.

"Is it nerves or is it Petersburg?" she asked abruptly. "I think it is Petersburg. I hate Petersburg." "Why Petersburg more than Moscow or Nijni or Tver?" She drew in a long, slow breath, looking him up and down the while from the corners of her eyes. "I do not know," she replied collectedly; "I think it is damp. These houses are built on reclaimed land, I believe. This was all marsh, was it not?"

You will point out that to the Minister Protopopoff. When the plague breaks out the censorship must be of the strictest." Rasputin nodded. He quite understood. He hated the British just as heartily as did the Tsaritza. A week later we were back at Tsarskoe-Selo, and the monk who pretended to have been on a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Tver made to the Empress a full report of his journey to Potsdam.

Four times did Michael, aided by the prince of Lithuania, gain the victory. During this obstinate conflict Moscow was twice besieged. Only its stone walls, lately built, saved it from capture and ruin. At length Olguerd, the fiery prince of Lithuania, died, and Tver yielded. Moscow became paramount among the Russian principalities.

"Here he signed to Mamón to go and fulfill his order." Here is another scene with the Great Prince. "He stopped, and turned with an air of stern command to Kourítzin. "The latter had addressed himself to speak 'The ambassadors from Tver ... from the'.... "'From the prince, thou wouldst say, burst in Iván Vassílievitch: 'I no longer recognize a Prince of Tver.

"Is your husband dead, then?" asked Etta in a low voice, with a strange haste. "No; he is only in Siberia. You have perhaps heard of his misfortune Count Stépan Lanovitch." Etta nodded her head with the deepest sympathy. "I feel for you, countess," she said. "And yet you are so brave and mademoiselle," she said, turning to Catrina. "I hope we shall see more of each other in Tver."

The immense Tartar army, after having sacked Tver, took Torjok; there "the Russian heads fell beneath the sword of the Tartars as grass beneath the scythe." The territory of Novgorod was invaded; the great republic trembled, but the deep forests and the swollen rivers delayed Batu. The invading flood reached the Cross of Ignatius, about fifty miles from Novgorod, then returned to the southeast.

Vassili emptied his glass, drew in his feet, and glanced at the clock. "But that is not all I want," said De Chauxville. "So I perceive." "I want you to tell me what you know of Prince Pavlo Alexis." "Of Tver?" "Of Tver. What you know from your point of view, you understand, my dear Vassili. Nothing political, nothing incriminating, nothing official. I only want a few social details."