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"She needed to be hurt," replied Elinor. "She needs to be brought to her senses." All the world was topsy turvy. The Motor Maids were quarreling among themselves and there was mystery in the air. Their happy little kingdom was being destroyed by internecine wars, and for what reason, Billie could not understand.

Brocklehurst agreed, "we are living in such extraordinary times, everything topsy turvy. I ought to have realized it was stupid of me I know several factory girls in New York, I've been to their meetings, I've had them at my house shirtwaist strikers." She assumed again the willowy, a position, her fingers clasped across her knee, her eyes supplicatingly raised to Janet.

By this time the Colonel treated me more as a friend than as a servant. He said one day, laughing, 'It is a long time since my things have been turned topsy turvy, Ramoo. I think the thieves have come to the conclusion that I have not got what they are looking for. 'What is that, sahib? I asked. 'Some special jewels, he said. 'They are extremely valuable.

Then Jake went away, leaving the girl and the little man in the garret, comforted and happier than they had been in many a day. Something had happened in the house of Waldstricker. Since the churching of Tessibel Skinner, everything had been topsy turvy. The criticism heaped on Ebenezer for his part in it had only served to make him more arrogant at home and abroad.

What should we do now? both intolerably heated: both in a fury; but pleasure is ever inventive for its own ends: he strips me in a trice stark naked, and placing a broad settee-cushion on the carpet before the fire, oversets me gently, topsy turvy, on it; and handling me only at the waist, whilst you may be sure I favoured all my dispositions, brought my legs round his neck; so that my head was kept from the floor only by my hands and the velvet cushion, which was now bespread with my flowing hair: thus I stood on my head and hands, supported by him in such manner, that whilst my thighs clung round him, so as to expose to his sight all my back figure, including the theatre of his bloody pleasure, the centre of my fore pair fairly bearded the ob-jest of its rage, that now stood in fine condition to give me satisfaction for the injuries of its neighbours.

Well, since that I have never had any peace; pretty near every night one or other of our tents was turned topsy turvy, all the kits turned out, and even the ground dug up with knives. You know how silently Indian thieves can work.

Dey have robbed dis house. Dey haf made to turn red dos vite clothes." In dead silence they descended from the motor car and filed into the house to investigate Alberdina's wild, incoherent story. There were certainly signs of an invasion in the locker rooms, everything tipsy turvy on the floor. Alberdina showed them the ropes that had bound her.

He read the piece through with attention, and, while he sat down with me to make some trivial alterations, turned the whole thing, in the course of the conversation, completely topsy- turvy, so that not one stone remained on another. He struck out, added, took away one character, substituted another, in short, went on with the maddest wantonness in the world, so that my hair stood on end.

Brocklehurst agreed, "we are living in such extraordinary times, everything topsy turvy. I ought to have realized it was stupid of me I know several factory girls in New York, I've been to their meetings, I've had them at my house shirtwaist strikers." She assumed again the willowy, a position, her fingers clasped across her knee, her eyes supplicatingly raised to Janet.

Acting charades generally turns a house topsy turvy; wardrobes and garrets are ransacked for costumes and properties; hats, canes, umbrellas, and firearms are mustered, and old dresses that haven't seen the light for forty years are rummaged out as disguises for the actors in these extempore theatricals.