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'I am quite aware, said King, 'that the first stanza is about the extent of your knowledge, but continue, sweet one, continue. Gravibus, by the way, is usually translated as "troublesome." Beetle drew a long and tortured breath. 'Milesne Crassi, had has the soldier of Crassus vixit, lived turpis maritus, a disgraceful husband 'You slurred the quantity of the word after turpis, said King.

These principles are: "Obligatio mandati consensu contrahentium consistit," a translation of which is, "The powers of an agent are derived from the consent of the contracting parties," and "Rei turpis nullum mandatum est," a translation of which is "No agent can have unjust powers."

The expression "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," seems to me most probably to be an epitome and summary of the two fundamental propositions of the law of agency Obligatio mandati consensu contrahentium consistit, a free translation of which is "The powers of an agent are derived from the consent of the contracting parties," and Rei turpis nullum mandatum est, a free translation of which is "No agent can have unjust powers."

Malesuada Fames, et turpis Egestas Terribiles visu formæ. Not that in this history of men of genius we are without illustrious examples of those who have even learnt to want, that they might emancipate their genius from their necessities!

The nursery of our greatest dramatists must be looked for, not, it is true, in the transfigured bear-gardens of the Bankside, but in those enchanted taverns, islanded and bastioned by the protective decree Idiota, insulsus, tristis, turpis, abesto.