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"The Curlo the Inner Curlo yes, yes!" he shouted in response to information volunteered on all sides. "Poor fellows! The Inner Curlo, dear, dear!" And he groped his way down the steps, into the first boat he saw, with a simple haste. John Turner followed him. He had tied a silk handkerchief over his soft felt hat and under his chin.

Of the two women, so closely linked in fate, the second is perhaps the more interesting study. Anne Turner was something older than the Countess of Essex. In the various records of the strange piece of history which is here to be dealt with there are many allusions to a long association between the two.

We looked under and around it, with a growing feeling that we had misread the significance of the crosses, or that the sinister record extended to a time before the "she devil" of the Turner line was dressed in white and turned into a lady. I was feeling underneath the boat, with a sense of absurdity that McWhirter put into words.

Before this gentleman must be laid, both for purse and conscience' sake, the case of the child just come out of the fogs. And true it was that all these powers were centred in one famous man, known among the laity as "Parson Upandown." For the Reverend Turner Upround, to give him his proper name, was a doctor of divinity, a justice of the peace, and the present rector of Flamborough.

I forget, now, what I meant by 'liberty' in this passage; but I often used the word in my first writings, in a good sense, thinking of Scott's moorland rambles and the like. It is very wonderful to me, now, to see what hopes I had once: but Turner was alive, then; and the sun used to shine, and rivers to sparkle.

Pierre Lawrence's face suddenly flushed, and she turned away toward the door. Turner rose, laboriously, and opened it. "There is another staircase through this side door," he said, opening a second door, which had the appearance of a cupboard. "You can avoid the crowd."

"Had I better have my wounded laid in a wagon, sir?" he suggested, "in case you find it necessary to fall back?" "There will be no retreat!" said General Turner. "Leave your wounded where they are. I never saw a cannon bleed before. How's that?" He spurred his horse over to where one of Bellairs' guns was being run forward into place again and Colonel Carter followed him.

And Tip did shake hands, and laughed; and looked over at the other clique the dunces with a half-patronizing nod to Bob Turner; and wondered how he could, have borne it to have been numbered with them that day; then he felt that he was climbing into the first set, and climbing fast. In spelling, too, he came off conqueror; spelled down the class, spelled until Mr.

Weston had also received another phial by Franklin's son from Lady Essex. This also Sir Gervase had taken and destroyed. Then there had been tarts and jellies supplied by Mrs Turner. Coke had Mrs Turner and Franklin arrested, and after that Sir Gervase was taken as an accessory, and on his statement that he had employed Weston on Sir Thomas Monson's recommendation Sir Thomas also was roped in.

Turner and Co. took the latter charge upon themselves, but it was notorious to every unbiassed and unprejudiced person that Mr. Stanhope was a gainer of the 250,000 pounds which lay in the hands of that firm to his credit. He was, however, acquitted by a majority of three only. The greatest exertions were made to screen him.