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"I felt sunk enough for a minute I'm feeling better now, though, since you are taking it so calmly." "Sure why not? A man's not dead until his heart stops beating, you know our turn'll come next, when they let up a little." "But suppose they change the width of their slices, and hit this cubby, small as it is?" "It'd be just too bad," he shrugged.

"I used to think of you, Grant, when I pulled out Monday morning in my best suit-cost fifteen dollars in those days." He smiled a little at the recollection. "While you in overalls and an old 'wammus' was going out into the field to plow, or husk corn in the mud. It made me feel uneasy, but, as I said, I kept saying to myself, 'His turn'll come in a year or two. But it didn't." His voice choked.

Its gladsome farewell to Davy in the Light made the smile gather on the wrinkled face. "Your turn'll come," he said smilingly in the old words, "your turn'll come." Then he went down to the little waiting room, lighted his own lamp, and took the book of poems from the table. He was ready for his next duty! He was soon lost to all but the swinging thought in the ringing lines.

Barry grinned horribly at this suggestion, but said nothing, and the parson continued: "It is not the want of evidence that stands in the way of so desirable a proceeding, but that Doctor Colligan, thoroughly disgusted and shocked at the iniquity of your proposal " "Oh, go on, Mr Armstrong! go on; I see you are determined to have it all your own way, but my turn'll come soon."

'I'll come, sir, and be thankful. I daresay a turn'll do me good, if the weather holds up, an' th' frost keeps on. 'That's right, my lad, said Robson, shaking him by the hand, and then Kinraid's hand was held out to Sylvia, and she could not avoid the same friendly action. Molly Corney followed her to the door, and when they were fairly outside, she held Sylvia back for an instant to say,

Tried to make me believe my turn'll come next." Stratton shrugged his shoulders. "I reckon there isn't much chance of that. They're not keen to get the sheriff down on their trail. Well, if he feels like that he wouldn't be much use here even if we could persuade him to stick."

Now you can bathe my head all you please for it feels a little queer." "It's an awful wound," she said in tones of the deepest sympathy. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" "Pshaw! My head is too hard for that little scamp of a Weeks to break. His turn'll come next."

They're the gran-childer o' Mother Demdike o' Pendle, the greatest witch i' these parts, an childer o' Bess Device, who's nah much better. Ask me to witness agen 'em, that's aw." "Howd thy tongue, woman, or ey'n drown thee," muttered Jem, in a tone of deep menace. "Ye canna, mon, if ey'm the witch ye ca' me," rejoined Nance. "Jennet's turn'll come os weel os mine, one o' these days.

If they thought he was going to take it lying down "McClane can keep me out of my messroom, but he can't keep me out of my job. There's room in 'the line of fire' for both of us." "How are you going to get into it?" said Sutton. "Same way as McClane. If he can go to Head Quarters, so can I." "I wouldn't," Sutton said. "It might give a bad impression. Our turn'll come before long."

Now no, wait a minute I ain't through yet," as Mr. Thornton tried to interrupt her. "I'm goin' to have my say, then your turn'll come, though it won't do you much good, as my mind is made up, and when a woman's mind is made up it's jest as foolish to try to change it as it is to try to set a hen before she begins to cluck." She stopped a moment and looked down at the sleeping baby in her arms.