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"Well, doctor," she said, as Doctor Colligan crept into her room, after the termination of his embassy to Barry; "will he come?" "Oh, of course he will; why wouldn't he, and you wishing it? He'll be here in an hour, Miss Lynch. He wasn't just ready to come over with me."

This was too good an offer to be resisted, and Colligan said he would take the land, with many thanks, if the rent any way suited him. "We'll not quarrel about that, you may be sure, Colligan," continued Barry; "and as I said fifty acres at first it was fifty acres I think you were saying you wished for I'll not baulk you, and go back from my own word."

Your lordship can judge yourself afterwards; but I'd rather " "Oh, I'll get down," said the parson. "I'll just take a walk among the trees: I suppose the doctor won't be long?" "If you wouldn't mind getting into my buggy, and letting me into his lordship's gig, you could be following us on, Mr Armstrong," suggested Colligan. This suggestion was complied with.

"You'll find you'd a deal better be dealing with me: you'll never find an easier fellow to deal with, or one who'll put a better thing in your way." Colligan again sat down. He couldn't quite make Barry out: he suspected he was planning some iniquity, but he couldn't tell what; and he remained silent, looking full into the other's face till he should go on.

After each attack of fever it was expected that she would perish from weakness and exhaustion; but she still held on, and then the fever abated, and Doctor Colligan thought that it was possible she might recover: she was, however, so dreadfully emaciated and worn out, there was so little vitality left in her, that he would not encourage more than the faintest hope.

We shall be sure to find Brew at home to-day." "But, my lord," said Colligan, "I really had no intention of doing that. I have no witnesses. I can prove nothing. Indeed, I can't say he ever asked me to do the deed: he didn't say anything I could charge him with as a crime: he only offered me the farm if his sister should die.

When a bit of land does fall into your hands, I should be glad to be your tenant. I'm quite in earnest, and should take it as a great favour." "I'll not forget it;" and then he remained silent for a minute. What an opportunity this was for him to lose! Colligan so evidently wished to be bribed so clearly showed what the price was which was to purchase him.

He had thought it better to fix an exact hour, and had calculated that the whole matter might be completed before Colligan went over to the inn. He kept continually looking at his watch, and gulping down his drink, and thinking over and over again how he would begin the conversation.

In the afternoon, Doctor Colligan was called in; and it was many, many weeks before Anty recovered from the effects of the attorney's visit. When the widow left the parlour, after having placed her guest in the charge of her daughters, she summoned her son to follow her down stairs, and was very careful not to leave behind her the notice which Daly had placed on the table.

"Oh, yes certainly, Doctor Colligan; to be sure that is tell me, doctor, is she really so bad?" "Indeed, Mr Lynch, she is very weak." "But, doctor, you don't think there is any chance I mean, there isn't any danger, is there, that she'd go off at once?" "Why, no, I don't think there is; indeed, I have no doubt she will hold out a fortnight yet."