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This displacement of the mouth from front to rear is very interesting, because it corresponds to a phylogenetic displacement of the mouth. In most of the Turbellaria there is a narrow cavity, containing a number of secondary organs, between the two primary germinal layers, the outer or animal layer of which forms the epidermis and the inner vegetal layer the visceral epithelium.

On these principles I assume that the oldest and simplest Turbellaria arose from Platodaria, and these directly from bilateral Gastraeads. The chief advances were the formation of gonads and nephridia, and of the rudimentary brain.

The gonads are among the oldest organs, the few other organs that we find in the Platodes between the gut-wall and body-wall being later evolutionary products. They often have a number of branches. They are first met in the Turbellaria, and have been transmitted direct from these to the Vermalia, and from these to the higher stems.

It seems to me altogether probable that all, except possibly Mollusca, are descended from a common ancestor closely resembling the schematic worm last described. Some would, however, maintain that they diverged rather earlier than even the turbellaria; others after the schematic worm, if such ever existed.