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Of this Turan was not left long in doubt, since they brought the newcomer and chained him to an adjoining ring. Immediately the panthan commenced to question the officer in charge of the guard. "Tell me," he demanded, "why I have been made prisoner, and if other strangers were captured since I entered your city." "What other prisoners?" asked the officer.

There were, perhaps, a score of them in the party and as they galloped away on their tireless mounts they presented a picture at once savage and beautiful. "They have the appearance of splendid warriors," said Turan. "I have a great mind to walk boldly into their city and seek service." Tara shook her head. "Wait," she admonished.

To establish his power both at home and abroad, the Sultan bought vast numbers of Turkish mamelukes; and it was he who first established them as Baharites on the Nile. His son Turan was the last Eyyubite sultan. In his reign Louis IX of France invaded Egypt, and, advancing upon Cairo, was defeated and taken prisoner.

Suddenly Turan leaned forward, pointing ahead. "Look, Tara of Helium!" he cried. "A city! As I am Ga as I am Turan the panthan, a city." Far in the distance the domes and walls and slender towers of a city shone in the rising sun.

Turan thought that he noted an appreciable start of surprise on the part of the taxidermist, but if the old man noticed anything his next words did not reveal it. "Come with I-Gos," he said to Turan, "I have materials in the next room that I would have you fetch hither. Remain here, woman, we shall be gone but a moment."

At these words, Afrásiyáb seemed to devour his own blood with grief and indignation, and immediately retracing his steps, returned to Túrán. As soon as Gíw entered within the boundary of the Persian empire, he poured out thanksgivings to God for his protection, and sent intelligence to Káús of the safe arrival of the party in his dominions.

Afrásiyáb soon emptied his quiver, and then he grasped his mace with the intention of extinguishing his antagonist at once, but at the moment Húmán came up, and said: "O, king! do not bring thyself into jeopardy by contending against a person of no account; thy proper adversary is Kai-khosráu, and not him, for if thou gainest the victory, it can only be a victory over a fatherless soldier, and if thou art killed, the whole of Túrán will be at the feet of Persia."

As Turan proceeded along the avenue he passed other sentries beside other doors but now he gave them small heed, since they neither challenged nor otherwise outwardly noted his passing; but while at nearly every turn of the erratic avenue he passed one or more of these silent sentinels he could not guess that he had passed one of them many times and that his every move was watched by silent, clever stalkers.

But when morn was come Gew remembered the commands of the Shah that he tarry not, but return with all speed, and he spake thereof to Rustem, and prayed him to make known his resolve. But Rustem spake, saying: "Disquiet not thyself, for death will surely fall upon these men of Turan. Stay with me yet another day and rest, and water thy lips that are parched.

Fiaron o Deinomeneos kai toi Surakosioi toi Di Turan apo Kumas. I. X. Home of the Greek Immigrants Graeci min. ed. The appellation of Adriatic sea, in its more extended sense, first occurs in the so-called Scylax about 418 U. C. II. II. Coriolanus