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'Amor volea schernir la primavera Sulla breve durata e passegiera Dei vaghi fiori suoi. Ma la belle stagione a lui rispose Forse i piacere tuoi Vita piu lunga avran delle mie rose." The prince, who, under Cyril Jackson, had acquired no trivial scholarship, now alluded to a singular poetic production, printed in 1618, which seemed distinctly to announce the French Revolution.

Dante has placed the two lovers in his Inferno for their sin, but in the fifth canto, where he first sees them, he is moved to such pity for their unhappy lot that he exclaims: "...Francesca, i tuoi martiri A lagrimar mi fanno tristo e pio!" In a more recent time this story has been told by Silvio Pellico, who wrote a tragedy on the subject, and by Leigh Hunt in a poem.

He was not so delighted with the answer as might have been expected, and was relieved by Hans's movement to a more advanced spot. Deronda had never before heard Mirah sing "O patria mia." Mirah singing this, made Mordecai more than ever one presence with her. Certain words not included in the song nevertheless rang within Deronda as harmonies from the invisible "Non ti difende Nessun tuoi!

There is a lovely parallel to Catherine's prayer in the Paternoster of Dante's blessed souls in Purgatory: "Come del suo voler gli angeli tuoi Fan sacrificio a te, cantando osanna, Cosi facciano gli uomini de' suoi."

Fanny, I suppose, will be able to expound it better than I. The singers were more showily dressed than the auditors, and seemed quite at home. During the interval between the delights of "I tuoi frequenti," and the ecstasies of "Se tu m'ami," I contrived to squeeze up to Lord Lansdowne. I was shaking hands with Sir James Macdonald, when I heard a command behind us: "Sir James, introduce me to Mr.

But here, in this Opera Nova so furthered, are sixty-three little snatches of Luigi Pulci's, eight lines to the stave, about the idlest of make-believe love affairs, full of such Petrarchisms as "Gl' occhi tuoi belli son li crudel dardi," or "Tu m' ai trafitto il cor! donde io moro, Se tu, iddea, non mi dai aiutoro."

"It is in ottava rima, a faint echo of the immortal Niccolo Correggio, composed in honour of one whose description is beyond the flight of human song." "Yet you sing of her?" "It is no better than an acknowledgment of the impossibility to sing of her. Thus " And striking a chord or two, he began, a mezza voce: "Quando sorrideran' in ciel Gli occhi tuoi ai santi "

The Pagano? very well, for there is the long balcony shaded from the sun, and after luncheon we shall have chairs taken out yes, and you can smoke there and you will laugh to see Andrea go to the front of the railings and sing, 'Al ben de tuoi qual vittima, with his arms stretched out like a windmill, and Carmela very angry with him that he is so ridiculous.

Give my dear little goddaughter Irene a kiss for me. Oh, I am so glad she is growing prettier every day! Paris, July 8th 18 . Dear Edgar, Stupidity was invented by our sex. When a woman deceives or deserts us, synonymous transgressions, we are foolish enough to prolong to infinity our despair, instead of singing with Metastasio "Grazie all' inganni tuoi Al fin respir' o Nice!" Alas! such is man!

It was thus that the almost childlike spirit of the Milanese painters felt the antique: how differently from their Roman brethren! It was thus that they interpreted the lines of their own poets: E i tuoi capei più volte ho somigliati Di Cerere a le paglie secche o bionde Dintorno crespi al tuo capo legati.