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The Vandals, now so familiar in history. Additum, sc. esse, depending on affirmant. Nunc Tungri, sc. vocentur, cf. His. 4, 15, 16. In confirmation of the historical accuracy of this passage, Gr. remarks, that Caes. Ita vocarentur. Locus vexatissimus! exclaim all the critics. And so they set themselves to amend the text by conjecture. Some have written in nomen gentis instead of non gentis.

Ceterum Germaniae vocabulum recens et nuper additum; quoniam, qui primi Rhenum transgressi Gallos expulerint, ac nunc Tungri, tunc Germani vocati sint: ita nationis nomen, non gentis evaluisse paulatim, ut omnes primum a victore ob metum, mox a seipsis invento nomine Germani vocarentur. III. Fuisse apud eos et Herculem memorant, primumque omnium virorum fortium ituri in proelia canunt.

Troja, Troy, a city of Phrygia, in Asia Minor, near Mount Ida, destroyed by the Greeks, after a ten years' siege Tubero is prevented by Attius Varus from landing on the African coast, G. i. 31 Tulingi, an ancient people of Germany, who inhabited about where now Stulingen in Switzerland is; border on the Helvetii, G. i. 5 Tungri, an ancient people inhabiting about where Tongres, in Liege, now is

That is, the Tungri called all the kindred tribes that dwelt beyond the Rhine, Germans, in order to inspire fear by the wide extension of the name, since they gave themselves out to be a part of so vast a people; but at length all the tribes began to call themselves by this name, probably because they were pleased to see the fear which it excited."