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Miss Blake, who never listened to what any one said, took it for granted that the little girl was the tuner for whom M. le Proprietaire had promised to send; and having bestowed on her a condescending nod, passed out into the garden, where she told some of the visitors that the piano had been tuned at last, and that the tuner was a young woman of rather eccentric appearance.

Together they switched on the current, regulated amplifier, detector, and tuner, and each with a head receiver tight to his ears sat down. "Whee, but it is thick, to-day!" shouted Dick. "Run the tune up, kid, and see if we get anything." "It is always bad a day like this," called Walter. "Besides, everybody seems to be butting in in the morning. Infernal, isn't it?"

There was a shrill piping as of a singing wind, and a wail that echoed hauntingly through the air as the tuner revolved. "What in the name of goodness ?" began Mr. Crowninshield. "Hush, Dad! It is always like that," explained Dick hastily. "But it's horrible." "Yes, I know. But wait." "Isn't something out of order?" "No." Dick smiled patronizingly.

And there would not be those exasperating periods when the pitch is not quite perfect, but yet is not far enough out to make it seem worth while to send for a tuner. A catalogue, containing brief notices of many important scientific papers heretofore published in the SUPPLEMENT, may be had gratis at this office. Terms of Subscription, $5 a Year.

And they watched, amazed, but less so really than an ordinary piano tuner would have been, at the way he caught octaves, fifths and fourths, sixths and thirds up and down that keyboard like a juggler keeping seven tennis balls in the air. "There you are," he said suddenly, before it seemed that he could be half-way through and began playing a dance. "But you can play tunes!" cried Sylvia.

There was one evening when I came on a boy lying flat on his back on the floor hammering the keys of the piano, our new piano, with the heels of his boots. The tuner told me afterwards that he broke seventeen strings. But we settled down by degrees. We had lectures every afternoon which were supposed to be I think actually were of an educative kind. Attendance at these lectures was compulsory.

"Really, it is quite abominable how women thrust themselves into every profession," she remarked, in her masculine voice. "It is so unfeminine, so unseemly." "I should like to see this tuner," said one of the tennis-players, leaning against a tree. "Here she comes," said Miss Blake, as the little girl was seen sauntering into the garden.

Its Preludes and Fugues illustrate every shade of human feeling, and were especially designed to exemplify the mode of tuning known as equal temperament, introduced into general use by Bach, and still employed by your piano tuner and mine. Forkel, his biographer, has finely said that Bach considered the voices of his fugues a select company of persons conversing together.

Now you'd think by this time we had everything necessary to produce our wireless waves and yet we haven't. There is still one thing almost more important than all the rest that we have not yet spoken of." "What's that, Bob?" piped Walter. "The tuner. You recall that at the beginning I mentioned the pitch, note, or key of the sound produced or received?" "Yes," returned the class in chorus.

Whenever I've wanted to write or read quietly, that fatal knock has come at the door, and I've known by instinct that all chance of peace was over. Whenever I've been giving a luncheon party, the tuner has arrived, with his abominable black bag, and his abominable card which has to be signed at once.