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"He's not on the ship's books, so I can't see how it can be mutiny." "No," rejoined Short. "Mein Got he is not a tog, he is te tyfel," observed Jansen. "Who knows how he came into the cutter?" "There's a queer story about that," said one of the men. Tum tum, tumty tum said the fiddle of Jemmy Ducks, as if it took part in the conference.

"If the dog ain't killed, Bones will be, that's sartain," observed Coble, "and I don't see why the preference should be given to a human individual, although the dog is the skipper's dog now then, what d'ye say, my lads?" Tum tum, tum tum, tumty tumty tum, replied the fiddle. "Let's hang him at once." "No," replied Short.

"I know you now," he said, "for a man who does indeed write verse. I have done everything I could with those three syllables, and by the grace of Heaven I shall get them right in time. Anyhow, they are the stop-gap of the moment, and with your leave I shall reserve them, for I do not wish to put words like 'tumty tum' into the middle of my verse."

"He's not on the ship's books, so I can't see how it can be mutiny." "No," rejoined Short. "Mein Got he is not a tog, he is te tyfel," observed Jansen. "Who knows how he came into the cutter?" "There's a queer story about that," said one of the men. Tum tum, tumty tum said the fiddle of Jemmy Ducks, as if it took part in the conference.

"If the dog ain't killed, Bones will be, that's sartain," observed Coble: "and I don't see why the preference should be given to a human individual, although the dog is the skipper's dog now then, what d'ye say, my lads?" Tum tum, tum tum, tumty tumty tum, replied the fiddle. "Let's hang him at once." "No," replied Short.