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The north-east and south-east trades here fight each other for the possession of their eventful battle-ground, the Line, and old Neptune finds the contest so wearisome that he goes to sleep while it lasts, the tumid swelling of his mighty bosom only showing to all whom it may concern that he merely dozes and is not dead!

He had so completely got the best of our encounter. Section 7 There comes a memory, an odd intermixture of two entirely divergent things, that stands out with the intensest vividness. As I went across the last open meadow, following the short cut to Checkshill station, I perceived I had two shadows. The thing jumped into my mind and stopped its tumid flow for a moment.

In parts we observe a greater depth in the delineation of character; yet the old and tumid extravagance is not altogether lost, but merely clothed with choicer forms.

A dwarf-stemmed species of recent introduction, and one which, owing to the beauty of its flowers and the hardy nature of the plant, is certain to find much favour among growers of Cactuses. The stem is about 9 in. high, by 2 in. to 4 in. in diameter, the base much wider than the apex, the ridges irregular, very thick and rounded, giving the stem a gouty or tumid appearance.

An erect cylindrical-stemmed species, from 6 in. to 1 ft. high by 4 in. in diameter, with from ten to fourteen angles or ridges; these are somewhat tumid, and marked with depressions, from which the star-like clusters of spines spring, about a dozen spines in each cluster, the central one much the largest.

When Jed was here, a while ago, he was playing with Wango out in the room, and, I suppose, when he put the saucy creature back in the cage, the door did not fasten well. "Anyhow, when I was making some cookies awhile ago I suddenly felt something behind me, and, as I tumid around, I saw the monkey. He made a grab for a cookie, and I had to slap his paws for I won't have him doing tricks like that.

Since then I have not doubted that he was the man who might give this age that of which the age talks much and gets little monumental decoration. Large decorative schemes when they are not, what most are, mere wastes of tumid pomposity are apt to fail for one of two reasons: either they are too much like pictures or too little like works of art.

With still less judgment did he choose blank verse as the vehicle of "Rural Sports." If blank verse be not tumid and gorgeous, it is crippled prose; and familiar images in laboured language have nothing to recommend them but absurd novelty, which, wanting the attractions of nature, cannot please long. One excellence of the "Splendid Shilling" is, that it is short.

Mrs. Tarrant, with her soft corpulence, looked to her guest very bleached and tumid; her complexion had a kind of withered glaze; her hair, very scanty, was drawn off her forehead

Accordingly, what Century, since the end of the Roman world, which also was a time of scepticism, simulacra and universal decadence, so abounds with Quacks as that Eighteenth? Consider them, with their tumid sentimental vaporing about virtue, benevolence, the wretched Quack-squadron, Cagliostro at the head of them!