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"You mean that this is an ideal spot for a grizzly to have his den?" asked Jerry. "Fine. Look at the tumbled-down rocks, making many a cave that affords shelter from the elements, winter and summer. Then, of course, the old rascal has a nice short cut through some canyon to the open country. He uses that when he feels sharp set for veal.

"Seems to me yew fellers are travelin' some, ain't ye?" "O, a little," returned Mr. Allen. "You don't happen to know, do you, whether there are two cabins above here, do you? We was directed to the middle cabin." "No, only a very badly decayed one just a pile of tumbled-down logs," replied Mr. Allen.

He paid no heed to Polly, when she pouted because he did not dig where she wanted him to. He went from tree to tree, big old apple- trees they were, and at the very last tree, way down in a corner near a tumbled-down stone wall, he found what he wanted two spreading roots gave him a chance to dig between them. Polly watched him get ready for work and she pouted some more.

Are you still living at the tumbled-down cabin?" "No, sir. I've just sold off the things, and I am going to settle in town." "Where?" "I haven't decided that yet. I was going to hunt up a place when Ike Fairfield gave me the job of rowing out the young ladies." "I see. You own the boat, eh?" "Yes, sir." "You ought to be able to make a fair living, taking out summer boarders."

And upon leaving the boy at a tumbled-down house a bit farther on he found a half-dollar in his pocket and proffered it. "Here, Johnny," he said, smiling. "This is for some candy." The boy put his hands behind his back. "My name's William," he said, with a quiet, odd dignity. "An' I don't take money off'n no one 'less I work for it!"

And it was not very long after the Rebellion had ceased, and the old issues upon which it was fought had disappeared from the arena of National politics, when its old leaders and their successors began slowly, carefully, and systematically, to relay the tumbled-down, ruined foundations and walls of the Lost Cause a work in which, unfortunately, they were too well aided by the mistaken clemency and magnanimity of the Republican Party, in hastily removing the political disabilities of those leaders.

It was broad daylight when Creed pulled the team up before a tumbled-down stable in the rear of one of the outstraggling cabins at the end of Hilarity's single street. Hastily he unhitched and led the horses through the door.

So saying, she took the way towards some tumbled-down houses, and showed the seven brothers the mouth of the pit; whereupon Giangrazio, who was bolder than the rest, entering it, found there all the money of which they had been robbed.

Then, with a sense of recognition, he saw the tumbled-down gate of the King's driveway below him to the left, and his face became set and miserable as memory began its work of tearing open wounds not yet old. Suddenly there drifted up a chorus of children's laughter. He sat up suddenly and looked about, but no one was in sight.