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It was to save Feng Kuo-chang, then, that the young patriot Tsao-ao caused the ultimatum to be dispatched fourteen days too soon, i.e., before the Yunnan troops had marched over the mountain-barrier into the neighbouring province of Szechuan and seized the city of Chungking which would have barred the advance of the Northern troops permanently as the river defiles even when lightly defended are impassable here to the strongest force.

Once in Peking, however, General Tsao-ao had been merely placed in charge of an office concerned with the reorganization of the land-tax, nominally a very important piece of work long advocated by foreign critics.

But finally the position was such that he telegraphed to General Tsao-ao that unless the Yunnan arrangements were hastened he would have to leave Nanking and abandon this important centre to one of Yuan Shih-kai's own henchmen which meant the end of all hopes of the Yangtsze Valley rising en masse.

It was largely due to the hardships of forced marches conducted over these rugged mountains, which raise their precipitous peaks to the heavens, that Tsao-ao subsequently lost his life, his health being undermined by exposure, tuberculosis finally claiming him. But one thing at least did his resolute action secure.

Taiping rebellion Tanaka, Gen. Taonanfu administration Tariff reformation Tax collection Tayeh iron mines Tibet, independence of recognized by Russia Tieh Liang Tientsin rebellion of the Military Governors Tong Kwan Palace, the battle at Tong Shao-yi Treaty of Shimonoseki Treaty-ports, economical effects of Tsao-ao, Gen.

It was largely due to the hardships of forced marches conducted over these rugged mountains, which raise their precipitous peaks to the heavens, that Tsao-ao subsequently lost his life, his health being undermined by exposure, tuberculosis finally claiming him. But one thing at least did his resolute action secure.

In conformity with his policy of bringing to Peking all who might challenge his authority, he had induced General Tsao-ao, since the latter had played no part in the rebellion of 1913, to lay down his office of Yunnan Governor-General and join him in the capital at the beginning of 1914 another high provincial appointment being held out to him as a bait.

To explain what had occurred in Yunnan it is necessary to go back and tell the story of a remarkable young Chinese General Tsao-ao, the soul of the new revolt. In the revolution of 1911 each province had acted on the assumption that it possessed inherent autonomous rights and could assume sovereignty as soon as local arrangements had allowed the organization of a complete provisional government.

To explain what had occurred in Yunnan it is necessary to go back and tell the story of a remarkable young Chinese-General Tsao-ao, the soul of the new revolt. In the revolution of 1911 each province had acted on the assumption that it possessed inherent autonomous rights and could assume sovereignty as soon as local arrangements had allowed the organization of a complete provisional government.

Once in Peking, however, General Tsao-ao had been merely placed in charge of an office concerned with the reorganization of the land- tax, nominally a very important piece of work long advocated by foreign critics.