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Theologians had declared their doctrines true or false without reference to the subjective standard of judgment. Coleridge contended that faith must rest not merely upon objective data, but upon inward experience. The authority of Scripture is in its truthfulness, its answer to the highest aspirations of the human reason and the most urgent necessities of the moral life.

A friend coming to stay with you for a time that's how I should put it. A week passed, and there came no reply. Mumford pretended not to care much, but Emmeline imagined a new anxiety in his look. 'Do be frank with me, dear, she urged one evening. 'Are we living too He answered her with entire truthfulness.

The sense of fact and the gift for sympathy and the foundations, so to speak, of the imagination which gives their quality to the stories and pictures of Jesus. He thinks in pictures, as it were; they fill his speech, and every one of them is alive and real. There is a truthfulness and a living energy about all these pictures not least about those touched with irony.

In front of the King's palace there is a rampart constructed of large bricks, with barbacans in the manner of a fortress, on which are mounted fifty-six brass and six iron cannon." With the exception of the statement concerning the number of families, Mr. CRAWFORD considers PIGAFETTA'S account contains abundant internal evidence of intelligence and truthfulness.

Come, now, keep your word, and don't prove yourself a liar after such a boast of truthfulness, just a moment ago?" "Yes, there it is ag'in. You told me it was for our personal safety, and such like stuff, that you were goin' to take the gal along; and now you defy the whole order, and are goin' to blow them all to atoms! I take it that makes quite a difference."

The mouth was sweet and pliable as ever, but now often patience and endurance did not quit their seat upon the lip even when it smiled. The eye, with all its old clearness and truthfulness, had a shade upon it that, nine years ago, only fell at the bidding of sorrow; and in every line of the face there was a quiet gravity that went to the heart of the person who was studying it.

A faint smile parted her lips, the reflection of the thought in her mind that had she, indeed, been eager for his death she would not be with him at this moment; had she desired it, how easy would her course have been. "You do me wrong to bid me hope for that," she answered him, her tones level. "I do not wish the death of any man, unless..." She paused; her truthfulness urged her too far.

So while the truthfulness, that is the intent to be fair, may not be questioned, it would not be strange if those who wrote of what happened in the chapel in Fort Santiago during Rizal's last hours did not escape entirely from the influence of the national characteristics. In the main their narrative is to be accepted, but the possibility of unconscious coloring should not be disregarded.

I have a strong hope and belief that within the compass of a couple of minutes or so I can put it, with perfect truthfulness, in the light that my American friends would be best pleased to see me place it in. Either so, or my instinct is at fault. "My daughters and their aunt unite with me in kindest loves.

They had about them a simplicity, a truthfulness, a decision, an elevation, a calmness, and a sanctity to which she was a stranger, which spoke to her heart and absolutely overcame her. The image of Cæcilius, in particular, came out prominently and eloquently in her memory,—not in his words so much as in his manner.