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The outer door was being opened ere she had reached the hiding-place she had in mind: the trunk-closet, from which, she remembered remarking, a window opened upon a fire-escape. It was barely possible, a fighting chance.

He swung on his heel and entered the hallway, pausing at the door long enough to shoot the bolt; then passed hastily through the other chambers, searching, to judge by his manner. In the end a closed door attracted him; he jerked it open, with an exclamation of relief. It gave upon a large bare room, used by Maitland as a trunk-closet. Here were stout leather straps and cords in ample measure.

Maitland's eyes sought in vain the shape of the canvas bag. But time was too precious. Another moment's procrastination and "That will do," he said crisply, without raising his voice. "Now listen to me. At the end of the hall, there, you'll find a trunk-closet, from which a window " "I know." "Naturally you would. Now go!" Anisty waited for no repetition of the permission.

I'm thinking of it most of the time, and it takes away so much of the pleasure of the rose-garden and the raspberry-bushes! Anne is in raptures over the raspberry-bushes. "Yes, the raspberries and the roses are all right. And I like the stone-wall with the woodbine over it. "The house is just big enough and just small enough, and there's a trunk-closet, as I stipulated.

"Then it's the dining-room, or the trunk-closet. Come along!" One last, frantic attempt! But the window catch, rusted with long disuse, stuck. Panting, sick with fear, the girl leaped away and crushed herself into a corner, crouching on the floor behind a heavy box, her dark cloak drawn up to shield her head. And the door opened.

Now, if I did keep working in the kitchen, I could sit up just what time I wants to; but when I sits down, I goes to sleep right off." And Barbara went on knitting, putting the yarn over the needle with her left hand, after the German fashion. "But the carpet-bag, Barby: there's a black one 'some place, in the trunk-closet or up-attic. Now, Barby, you know I helped pick those quails yesterday."

He went upstairs to put on his slippers his elegant slippers of seal-brown, shaped like medieval shoes. He brought up an apple from the barrel which stood by the trunk-closet in the basement. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," he enlightened Mrs. Babbitt, for quite the first time in fourteen hours. "That's so." "An apple is Nature's best regulator." "Yes, it "

"But I tell you," she insisted, retreating before him, "it's a risk.... There, did you hear that?" "That" was the dulled crash of the front door. Anisty stepped to the table on the instant and plunged the room in darkness. "Steady!" he told her evenly. "Steady. It can't be but take no chances. Go to the trunk-closet and get that window open. If it's Maitland," grimly "well, I'll follow."

Wondering, he stooped and picked it up, and carried it back to the light. It proved to be the girl's hand-bag. "Now," admitted Maitland in a tone of absolute candor, "I am damned. How the dickens did this thing get there, anyway? What was she doing in my trunk-closet?" Was it possible that she had followed Anisty out of the flat by that route?

"I don't know what you mean. What did you steal? Where is it?" "I have lost it " "Was it in your hand-bag?" "You found that?" "You dropped it in the trunk-closet. I found it there. There is something of mine in it?" Dumb with misery, she nodded; and after a little, "You didn't look, of course." "I had no right," he said shortly. "Other men wo-would have thought they had the right.