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"Myself!" screeched the dealer, with a derisive laugh. "Ask me to give you my whole stock next! These trumperies will lie on hand for a year." Cecil went out of the place without a word; his thoughts were with Leon Ramon, and the insolence scarce touched him. "How shall I get him the ice?" he wondered. "God! if I had only one of the lumps that used to float in our claret cup!"

Other fetishes of a more common sort were to be met at every step, lines of worsted and cotton stretched across the road, rags hung upon bushes, and other negro trumperies of the same kind.

Having remained three days in our encampment on the outside of Medina to rest and refresh ourselves and our animals, and being satisfied, or disgusted rather, by the vile and abominable trumperies, deceits, and hypocritical trifles of the Mahometan delusions, we determined to resume our journey; and procuring a pilot or guide, who might direct our way by means of a chart and mariners box or compass, as is used at sea, we bent our journey towards the west, where we found a fair well or fountain whence flowed an abundant stream of water, and where we and our beasts were satisfied with drink.

I did not trouble myself to ask the reason of this trumpery of trumperies, but I imagine it is to distinguish one grave from another. The cemetery of Ghadames, where nothing is seen but stones, if it be a desert-looking place, yet has not this trumpery appearance. I was glad to see the grave of Ritchie lying apart from this, though in its infidel isolation.

It was not so much for fear of the future, and for myself, that I was curious in this experiment, but because it falls out in mine, as it does in many other families, that the women store up such little trumperies for the service of the people, using the same recipe in fifty several diseases, and such a recipe as they will not take themselves, and yet triumph when they happen to be successful.

We have been accustomed to see another girl bright and fair-haired Rachel Lake in the small rooms of Redman's Farm; but Dorcas only in rich and stately Brandon Hall the beautiful 'genius loci' under lofty ceilings, curiously moulded in the first James's style amid carved oak and richest draperies, tall china vases, paintings, and cold white statues; and somehow in this low-roofed room, so small and homely, she looks like a displaced divinity an exile under Juno's jealousy from the cloudy splendours of Olympus dazzlingly melancholy, and 'humano major' among the meannesses and trumperies of earth.

A sensible man will look for a sensible woman; he will not concern his sensible head over such trumperies as a pair of bright eyes, or a red lip or so, or a satisfactory suit of hair. These are fleeting vanities. However

Quarrelsome drosky drivers, incongruous mills, and the thousand trumperies of the place, were all forgotten in the perfect beauty of the scene in the full, the joyous realisation of my ideas of Niagara. Beauty and terror here formed a perfect combination.

Now as we have told the success of the trumperies and cruelties of our own kings, and other great personages: so we find, that God is everywhere the same God.

Formerly there were the village constable, the district clerk, trumperies, requisitions, and taxations; for then it was the gentry who were the guardians. But now, Yonov the One-Eyed croaked exultantly: "Now it's ourselves! We ourselves! In our own way! In our own world! The land is ours! We are the masters: it is the Rising! Our Rising!"