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"Why do you keep calling me Dick True all the time?" John laughed. "Just to remind you that you must be a true boy before you can really be a True-man, Dick. I want you to be in the best company. Jesus Christ is the truth, you know, Dick." "Jesus Christ," repeated the boy thoughtfully. "I wish I knew him, John, as well as you do."

How are you all?" If this simple greeting came like a breath of her native air to Miss True-man, it cannot be said to have had a similar effect on her nieces.

True-Man the gaoler, they, his sons, began to play his pranks, and to be ticking and toying with the daughters of their lord; nay, it was jealoused that they were too familiar with them, the which was brought to his lordship's ear.

'A loan! exclaimed Tancred; 'I see the poison of modern liberalism has penetrated even the desert. Believe me, national redemption is not an affair of usury. At this moment there was some little disturbance without the tent, which it seems was occasioned by the arrival of Tancred's servants, Freeman and True-man.

True-Man, the gaoler. Now, when the time was come, and the court set, commandment was sent to Mr. True-Man, the gaoler, to bring the prisoners down to the bar. Then were the prisoners brought down, pinioned and chained together, as the custom of the town of Mansoul was.

'We have never let any of the savages come near my lord, said Freeman to Baroni, on his, return. 'Except the fair young gentleman, added True-man, 'and he is a Christian, or as good. 'He is a prince, said Freeman, reproachfully. 'Have I not told you so twenty times? He is what they call in this country a Hameer, and lives in a castle, where he wanted my lord to visit him.

True-Man, the gaoler, with a commandment to keep them in irons; for he intended then to have them out to be crucified, when it would be for the best to the corporation, and most for the discouragement of the camp of the enemies.

Baroni was quite at home, as he knew the house in old days, and had also several times visited, on this latter occasion, the suite of Tancred. Freeman and True-man, who had been forwarded on by the British Consul at Beiroot, like bales of goods, were at their post, bowing as if their master had just returned from a club. But none of the important members of the body were at this moment at hand.

'And the most curious thing, said Freeman to Trueman, as they established themselves under a pine tree, with an ample portion of roast meat, and armed with their traveling knives and forks, 'and the most curious thing is, that they say these people are Christians! Who ever heard of Christians wearing turbans? 'Or eating without knives and forks? added True-man.

True-Man, Lord Understanding was on the bench, and the Judge bears the dainty name of the "Golden-headed Prince." Bunyan's adversaries are always a bad set. They live in Villain's Lane, in Blackmouth Street, or Blasphemer's Row, or Drunkard's Alley, or Rascal's Corner.