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For my part, I should think you would be glad she could come. An aunt is pretty nice to have when you are in trouble." "You don't know Aunt Trudy," said Sarah pertly. "Rosemary, will you go up and sit with Mother while Miss Graham has her dinner, when we are through?" asked Dr. Hugh, ignoring Sarah's remark. "I am going down to the drug-store for a few things and I'll be back within half an hour."

Mary Faithful was not pretty; she was a "good-looking thing," Trudy would usually conclude, glancing in a near-by mirror to approve of the way her fluff of pink tulle harmonized with her pink camisole under the tissue-paper bodice. Indulging in one of these reveries Trudy suddenly realized that she had not added the checks on her desk.

"A dead snake won't hurt Aunt Trudy will it?" Doctor Hugh caught Rosemary's eye, and they went off into peals of laughter while poor Aunt Trudy wept and Shirley implored Rosemary to tell her what was "funny." "Take your snake away and bury it, Sarah," said the doctor, when he could speak.

Put up the dominoes, children, and run along for it's twenty minutes past eight this minute." "I don't want to go to bed," wailed Shirley. "I'll go up with you, darling," promised Rosemary, putting down her knitting. "I'll tell you a story about the little brown bear." "Don't want a story," said Shirley with finality. Aunt Trudy put down her book and surveyed her youngest niece sympathetically.

And we've got a lot of little fancy pins, both of us. What do you say to a gold pencil for each?" "Only they never write very well; the leads are so hard." "That's so. Well maybe beads, or how about a lace collar?" "Let's wait till we get down to Surfwood and ask Trudy. She'll tell us something nice, and maybe we'll buy something there, or else in New York as we go through on the way down."

"She won't let me keep any mice in my room," wailed Sarah. "I don't like her, either." "Let me eat it now," said Shirley, referring to her potato. "Let's tell Aunt Trudy not to come. She says oatmeal is good for me and I don't like oatmeal." "Have you all finished?" asked the doctor calmly.

Aunt Trudy always cries and it isn't fair. I suppose Hugh will be furious, but let him. I'm so tired and so hot and so miserable " and Rosemary gave herself up to a passion of angry tears. She had been crying in the dark and when the door opened and someone switched on the light she knew it was Doctor Hugh. She slipped down from the chair and walked around back of the desk.

Trudy realized perfectly well that sweetness from the lips of an obese lady, after one has assured her of the arrival of a double chin, always augurs ill for everyone. Originally Trudy had determined to use Gaylord as a stepping-stone, a rather satisfactory first husband.

"I've been late for dinner two nights running and I thought I'd surprise the family by a punctual appearance this time," explained the doctor. "My chief difficulty now is to find some one to surprise. Aunt Trudy has gone to the library, Winnie says, Shirley is playing with some neighbor's child on the porch and no one seems to know where Rosemary is.

You're going to fight that little 'I'm-afraid'" for he had had a brief talk with his little sister the night before after the others had left the office and felt that he was just beginning to understand Sarah "and put him in his place, which is behind you, and so we'll start all over as long as Aunt Trudy is willing. Shall we?"