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"Into the little corridor, baroness." "Did I not order that there should be but one entrance to my sleeping-room, and that from the dressing-room?" "Your commands have been strictly obeyed," replied Trude. "The only door from the corridor leads to my two rooms, and there is but one entrance to them upon the other side, which can be securely fastened."

The mother was said to be the popular Trude, who had been convicted of manslaughter after shooting her disloyal pimp. Trude had been pardoned, with the rejoicing approval of the whole village, because it had turned out that she was pregnant. It was claimed that the sympathetic chaplain had caused Trude's pregnancy. But this was not proved.

Thou seest that I cannot do otherwise! They would force me to perjury, and I dare not break my oath! I cannot forsake him whom I love! When they curse me, Trude, kneel, and implor God to bless me, who is the Father of love! My conscience does not reproach me.

Your honor promised me positively that, as soon as the wedding was decided upon, you would pay me every farthing, with interest, and I depended upon it." "You shall have all, and much more than the general's wife promised you, if you will be a true and faithful servant to us," said Ebenstreit. "That I always have been, and ever shall be," snarled Trude. "No person can say aught against me.

You have no part in that! Call my mother it is time!" Trude turned sadly toward the door, Marie glancing after her, and calling her back with gentle tone. "Trude, my dear, faithful mother, kiss me once more." She threw her arms around Marie's neck and imprinted a loving kiss upon her forehead, weeping.

It may not be suitable for a housekeeper, but it becomes old Trude, and it is my Sunday frock, which I always wore when I was maid-of-all-work to you. "And then she will at last think, Trude, how we took care of her, and how thankful she ought to be to her parents that they married her to a rich man. If Marie sees it at last "

Softly and with her little head always bowed down she crossed the apartment to the tapestry door; but, just as she was on the verge of the threshold, she stopped, turned around, and an expression of radiant joy flashed across her pretty face. "Dear aunt," she cried, "Trude told me that when we pray evil spirits must fly away, and have no longer any power. I will pray, yes, I will pray for you."

I will apologize for them in my heart to you and your beloved so long as I live. After I had cried enough, I determined to go to the Gray Cloister, and beg the director to see me!" "Did you see him to speak with him, dear good Trude?" "Yes, dear child.

We must be brisk and determined, though, for it is late, only wanting a half hour of being ten o'clock. Who is old Trude?" "Louise's chambermaid, who has been with her all her life, for Trude was her nurse. She idolizes our sister, and would go through fire and water for her sake. What Louise commands is law with her."

"No mother could more tenderly and faithfully care for her than you have for me, Trude," cried Marie, pressing her lovingly to her breast. "Through you alone is my rescue possible, for you give us the money to undertake the long journey." "Not I," she laughed; "it is Herr Ebenstreit, and that makes it the more amusing; the wicked always set the traps into which they fall themselves."