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Perhaps I could say a word in some high quarter " "Why should you concern yourself?" asked the Jew evenly. "Why should you take this trouble?" "Why?" Truda looked up at him, doubtful of his meaning. He nodded. "Why?" he repeated. "It cannot be good for Truda Schottelius to stand on the side of Jews?" "What do you mean?" demanded Truda. He continued to look at her steadily, but made no answer.

His knock brought a face to the top of the wall, and after a parley the great gate was opened wide enough to let them slip through. When they were in, Truda touched her companion. "Would I be here for a fancy?" she whispered. "Believe what I say: after this there shall be no Judenhetze."

The rest was but the everyday routine of the stage, that grotesque craft wherein delicate emotions are handled like crowbars, and only the crude colors of life are visible. It was a success even a great success, and nobody save Truda had an inkling that there was yet something to discover in the soul of a Russian audience.

"I am a little tired, as you may think. Your town is hard on one's nerves, Prince." "Hard!" He laughed as he drew a chair towards her and seated himself. "It is death to the intelligence. It is suffocation to one's finer nature. It has a dullness that turns men into vegetables. I have been here now for three years, and till to-night I have not felt a thrill." "No?" Truda spoke lightly of design.

Some Jews who were found in the street were beaten to death; soon they will move down to the Jewish streets, and then" his breath came harsh through set teeth "then murder and looting the old programme. Now I have told you; can you do anything?" "Let us find a droshky," said Truda, "and go to the Jewish quarter." "A droshky!" He stared at her. "Do you think any driver will take us there to-night?"

Orlando, upon leaving his brother's room, did not stop to deliver that brother's message directly to Doris; he left this for Truda to do, and retired immediately to his hangar in the woods.

And on arriving at his own kingdom, he was welcomed with salvos of cannon, and Tsar Chotei came out of his palace and took him and the beautiful Queen Truda by their lily-white hands, led them into the marble halls, placed them at table, and they feasted and made merry.

Let me ask you whether you have not a wish to marry: I know the beautiful Queen Truda, who is worthy of being your wife." Sila replied that if this Queen were indeed beautiful, he was willing to marry her; and Ivashka told him she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

It was in the fall of the year that Truda Schottelius on tour came to that shabby city of Southern Russia. Nowadays, the world remembers little of her besides her end, which stirred it as Truda Schottelius could always stir her audience; but in those days hers was a fame that had currency from Paris to Belgrade, and the art of drama was held her debtor.

In less time than one might have supposed from the condition of poor Vaucher, he had elicited some outstanding facts the note which Truda had sent to the Jewish quarter among them. The keeper of the stage- door added the little he knew. Prince Sarasin turned to his aide. "Dragoons," he ordered. "Half a squadron. I shall be at the barracks in ten minutes, when they must be ready. Go at once."